Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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You will NEVER find love again! Why can't you see that I'm the only one who'll love you! Truly! They'll just get bored of you and leave you like all the rest! Accept it! Accept it, accept it, accept it!


I woke with a start. I had woken up from a dream. I slumped my head over and saw my phone. Next to it was my clock which read 11:24 pm. My eyes widened as I jolted up and looked at my phone. My sister was calling. I picked up.

"Y/N? Are you there??" She hollered. 

"Yes yes, I'm here what's up?" I asked her, still shocked.

"What's up is that you're about to be fired if you don't get here soon," I panicked and hung up, quickly getting dressed. I hear the TV that was left on blaring the news on the Apex Games.

"The Apex Games are looking for recruits for the up coming season, there will be max 2 new legends coming by August of this year," the news reporter said. I've always loved the Apex Games, the thrill and the excitement of not knowing what's to come. But that's just distracting me. I need to get to work. I grabbed a necklace from my home planet Kalisa. It was a very cold planet where only one species could live. Watermen. Kind of stupid. But we are a type of human who can withstand low temperatures to almost 50 below. We're normally so cold, in places with normal temperatures we often leave ice trails and we freeze water over by simply touching it. I grabbed it and ran out the door and down the apartment stairwell.

I burst through the double doors and sprinted to the sign shop where I worked. It was only about 3 blocks down and I ran that almost everyday like 2 months ago. I could handle this, but the problem is I only had a minute to spare. I hauled it like my life depended on it. And really, it did. I ran down the streets with me hurdling traffic cones, dodging passing people, and being fast as almost always. I was doing pretty good with being a parkour master, so I decided to be dumb and risky. I looked out into ongoing traffic. As soon as the cars started passing I plunged right into it. The first car I took on was a bulky truck but very slick. I jumped up onto the truck hood and slid across, leaving a trail of ice and frost. The next car was very slim and small. I made my move. I lunged up and landed on the roof of the car. Just as fast as I got on there I quickly hopped off. Doing a show off front flip onto the pavement for funnies. I ran down the street laughing at myself for how ridiculous that was. As I was running I accidentally ran into some dude. 

"Oh wow, my bad, just in a rush," I explained, but I don't think he was taking it. He turned around and that was when I realized he was a very bulky buff guy. I could feel my throat tighten. He tried to grab at me but I ducked under him. I made a sprint the other way as he chased not far behind. I ran down into an alley way and was met with a dead end. The guy was closing in on me. I had an idea. I turned around and leaped. I met one side of the alley way and pushed up. I repeated the process until I was up on the roof of the buildings. I just did a wall jump in real life. I took a breath of relief and climbed off the roof using the fire escape.

I ran down the streets  to finally get to the sign shop. I quickly opened the doors and looked around. I saw my sister and my co-workers staring at a video of some sort. My sister looked at me wide eyed. 

"Y/N have you seen? You could be the next-" she tried to finish but my boss had interrupted her.

"Shush with nonsense," he glared at me up and down. 

"For effort I give you a 10. As for how many jobs you have is 0," he stated with no remorse.

"But boss! I've only been late 2..3 times! Look I'm sorry I just need-" he cut me off with the wave of his hand. 

"No more Y/N, you'll have to find another job, maybe you can find one with that French of yours," he said with his stupid Russian accent. Yes I'm only saying this because I'm upset with him. I walked right back the door I came in. I sat down on the side wall of the shop and pulled my knees to my chest. How was I supposed to find another job? I've been fired three times! I got up and started walking back to my apartment thinking this couldn't be any worse. That's when life decided to one up me. All of a sudden someone crashes into me. I topple to the ground with a newly scraped up arm. I look around to see the culprit of the crash. It was a guy. He had a blue gray hoodie overtop his head and bright green goggles. His face was youthful and energetic. He was shaking his head rapidly. 

"Wow, sorry about that Amiga!" he apologized. He had a thick Spanish accent. I swear I've heard it before. He sprang up and held out his hand for him to help. I reluctantly grabbed it. He pulled me up with ease. 

"It's fine," I say. He seemed restless, like he wanted to move.

"So, what's your name?" he asked. I gave him a look.

"Why should I tell you?" I said, rather rude.

"Whoa, okay. Well, how about a nickname at least, I give you one, you give me one," he suggested. I got intrigued and shrugged. 

"Alright, go for it," I agreed. He bent down into a squat and looked at me with a funny studying look. Only now I realized he had bionic legs.

"Okay, how about this," I listened in.

"Senorita Crystal! Because of your necklace!" he exclaimed. He had a huge grin.

"Sure, I'll except it, but now it's my turn," 

"Hit me with it," 

"Hm, let's do Goggles, just Goggles," I laughed. 

"Alright then Senorita Crystal," he chuckled back. I giggled. 

"Hey, how about we grab a drink?" I proposed. He had got me pulled in with his funny nickname idea and optimistic attitude. 

"Great, I know a really good bar run by a friend down the road," He said.

"Sounds good," I smiled.

"Come on!" He started running down the road. I ran after him. He looked over at me.

"Wow, you're pretty fast Amiga, but not this fast!" He sprinted ahead and I tried to keep up with him. By the time we got to the bar I was winded. Goggles looked like he hadn't even tried. 

"Oh god, I've ran before..but nothing like that," I admitted.

"Pretty good against me though!" he said. We went over and sat down at the far end of the bar. The bartender walked up. 

"Hello, what can I get ya?" he asked. Goggles ordered some kind of drink I've never heard of before. 

"Alright, that'll be $14.50," the bartender added up. I reached for my wallet. 

"Don't worry about paying Senorita, I'll handle it," Goggles handed the bartender a bill and said keep the change.

"Hey, by the way, where's Elliot?" he asked.

"He's out partying again, you know him," The bartender explained.

"Ah, out with the Hermosa senoritas, got it,"

The bartender handed us our drinks and Goggles downed his in a matter of seconds. I took a bit more time with mine. We talked for a while, occasionally laughing a little too hard at each others jokes. 

"So what are you doing here anyways?" I asked him.

"Just on a small break from work. I have to head back tomorrow," he answered with a bored tone. 

"Where do you work?" I questioned getting more and more curious. Just as he was about to answer I got a call. 

"Sorry, give me a second," I said. I had never seen this number before. I stepped outside the bar and answered the call.

"Hello? Who is this?" 

"Hello, is this Miss. (Y/LN)?"

"This is she, why?" 

"It's been brought to our attention of your agility skills and we'd like to offer you a job," they continued.

"What kind of job?"

"We'd like to offer you a job as an Apex Legend," 

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