that one day changed everything

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One day, in a graveyard, there was a dead body out of a grave where it did not belong. This man had spiders crawling all over his body, his hand was backwards and he had a smile that creeps you out. There was a group of kid's ollie,jack,caleb,max and harry they were all walking through the graveyard late at night coming home after a party they had all arranged to have a sleepover.

Suddenly, ollie tripped over something hard and smelly they went to investigate. they soon found out that he tripped over the dead body. the dead body jumped up that body were not so dead. he chased the group of kids the group of kids ran and made a deal to run to one of the boy's closest houses. Finally, they got away from the body. They investigated the distance and saw max getting eaten so the boys started running again.

They ran to Caleb's house, opened the door, and locked it. The boy's parents heard banging on the door and the boys repeatedly said "don't open it" but they still opened it. they screamed "I told you not to open it" and the parents got stabbed. The dropped to the ground and layed there. The man started looking around the house for the group of boys he started by hiding the bodies then started looking for the group of boys.

Caleb was crying because his parents just died and harry just pushed him out the window onto the trampoline and shouted run and we will follow you! He started running and one by one they jumped out the window and started running they went into someone's garden and grabbed a spade, the sun was starting to rise, and they ran to where ollies sisters were living.

The sister named petal,ollie explained everything to her and she told him to stop having a big imagination because it is not going to get them anywhere in life, they went speechless. 10 minutes later, they heard banging on the door so they viciously grabbed the spade.they did not need to worry because it was only the new next-door neighbours, petal said "I told you it was just your imagination" but we knew it were not our imagination.

Once all the boys at last agreed that it was their imagination, they decided it was time they went out but they brought a pocket knife. they screamed "bye petal we will be back later" and they go walking the dog for protection incase they see the body again.they were quickly walking down the street as the dog starting runny bc he saw a cat. They came across the graveyard.

They soon reached the road where Caleb's parents died,they knocked on the door to see if anyone was there, there was no answer.they dialled 999 and got an ambulance to the house they broke the door down. Hey investigated the area and tried to find out who killed the parents they spent hours and hours looking for the person and it was Someone theyd least expect it to be.

They take the police to petals house and by the time I go their petal was gone by the time we got there, she left nothing apart from a note and it said:

'I knew you would find out and go to the police that is why I said it was your imagination I packed my bag and waited for you guys to leave and when you did that is when I ran and there is no way you are finding me !!'

They started looking for petal the morning after days turns to weeks turned to months turned to years. Finally, they gave up everyone was waiting for it to stop and it finally did.they finally knew they had to wait for her to come back and they knew she would but they had a plan and little did they know she had an even bigger plan and was 100 steps further than them.

20 years later,they see a face they know they have seen before it was petal.they walked all together making sure to keep everyone safe. Finally,they got to the police station and told everything to the police. The police said 'it must be your imagination because she was said to be dead 20 years ago' the plan failed the plan they had planned failed. All along they thought it would work and it did not.

Shes crazy for faking her own death we knew she was crazy but not that crazy. Only psychopaths fake their death. Then they remembered what petal said and they all felt a bit faint.suddenly,there was a bang!! And they all hit their head on the floor. 10 minutes later,they woke up and was in the hospital. Petal was there no one knew why she was there and they wanted answers.

She said "you guys really thought I would come back without a plan and thought I wanted everyone to think I was still alive so that you could go to the police I'm smarter" Shes smart but unbelievable she is smart and plays it very well but faking her death was a bit too much. But she is a bit much sometimes and we all had an idea that she would not think of.

What we did was tie her up in her sleep and made sure it was tight enough. We took her to the police station but what happened was all the police were dead. We put her in a cell still tied up and we locked her in.we held a gun right at her head. She soon woke up and we put tape round her mouth because she started screaming so the whole town could hear her and we cannot let them know.

They knew they had to smarter so they started working on different plans to trick her and they put her in the boot of a police car. Soon they arrived at another town with a police station and they took her in and they never gave up when everyone else did give up.they believed that petal was still alive when everyone else thought she was dead she just disappeared. 

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