Dressing room

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P.E. was pretty boring. It's not like Eula was bad, it was just to easy for her.
She glanced at her Amber. She has been unusually quiet and was quite pale.  "Is everything alright bunny?" The brunette girl ran up to the teacher, "Ms. Kujou, can I go to the bathroom please?" The raven-haired woman answered hesitantly, "...Okay, but don't take to long."

Amber disappeared behind the door to the corridor. Seriously?? Eula sat on the ground and waited. Waited for Amber to come back.

"Everybody! Do this," she pointed to a piece of paper. "With your partner now!"
The most girls grabbed their partners and began working, other were just lazing around.
But Amber still hasn't come back and Eula began to grow kinda worried.
Ms. Kujou approached the tall girl and spoke; "You go search Amber. She's been at the bathroom for 20 minutes already." The woman sounded angry so Eula didn't complain and disappeared into the slim hall as well.

The Lawrence went to the girls locker room first. Bored, she opened the door and called out Amber's name. No response. She frowned and checked the bath- and Shower rooms. No sign of living.

Just as she was about to leave, the door to the corridor opened and her beloved cheerleader entered.

"..." They were both quiet. And stared at each other like cats. "...Eula." Said Amber after what felt like enternity. The aura was quite strange. Somehow... Arousing.
The only light came from the hall where Amber came from. It was fr mesmerizing. Like, almost unrealistic.

Because, Eula was alone in a room with her crush. They could do whatever they wanted and no one would come in there for the next hour.

They were both silent. Everything was silent, yet it was so loud. Ambers heart and thoughts were racing, it was like someone put an spell on her.
Slowly, Eula approached her. Her breathing was steady and her eyes slightly widened. She gulped.

"Amber, our teach-" whispered she as the short girl let go of the door. It fell and made a clicking sound. Shit. Shit.

"...the door, it's-" Amber was cut off by Eula hands closing around her wrists and her face getting closer and closer to her own. The cheerleaders mind went blank as her body temperature rose like 16°C. Eula pushed her leg between Ambers, pinning her to the wall. She grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head as well. "Please don't be mad..." Eula kissed her slowly. Their lips kind of... 'Fitted'

Amber kissed back shyly and her friend flinched and stopped. I thought she was a hooker or something... Turns out she's actually shy as hell. Pfft.

"Amber... Bunny..." She looked to the ground and grimaced. Although the girl, who was still pressed against the wall, couldn't see that.

The brunette girl put her arm around Eula neck and stared at her eyes. They were a weird color. Kinda yellow and purple.

"You're gonna be the death of me." "Hey! Are you in there?! Amber?!" A loud knock was heard from the other side and Eula flinched and let go of her friend. All Amber could do right now was gripping her friends waist slightly and look into her eyes, that were illuminated by the faint light that was coming from the other side of the door now.

"I have the key here, alright? I'm gonna come in!" Before neither of the two females could react the door swung wide open and Eula backed away from her crush. A lilac-haired  girl turned on the lights.

Keqing, a girl from their p.e. class, stood there, a little flabbergasted by the scene. "Uh. Are you okay Amber?" Amber nodded and their classmate left quickly again. "...Then I won't... disturb you. Bye." And I swear she muttered something like "eww gays..."

And yet again, a awkward silence creeped up. "... Uhm.." The shorter girl sighed. "Well uh- that was-" "...I'm sorry." Amber's eyes widened as Eula stared at her and gently took her hands. "Please don't report me, I don't know what's gotten into me." Both of their faces were still red as hell and their heartbeat  was still above the regular.

The brunette was a bit taken aback. "What-? No No No- it's," she blushed even more. "I-..." what was she even feeling? A shudder went down her spine as a sudden feeling of disgust and joy mixed washed over her.

Eula looked painfully to the ground, shame washing over her body. "Amber..."

Voices could be heard from the other side and seconds later girls carelessly entered the room, not paying attention to the first two girls at all.

Though Keqing gave them a weird glare.

Eula turned around and ran a hand through her hair. Shit... Just why am I such a horny bitch...

She glanced at her friend from the corner of her eyes. She was changing. The Lawrence quickly stopped. She usually didn't care about the feelings of other people, but Amber is just to precious to be counted as one of the tall girls faceless hoes.

After the class left the building, they all split up and Eula didn't got another chance to talk things out with her crush.

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