Say Something Beautiful~Trust

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Sting P.O.V
I am on a train and I look about fifteen. Across from me is blondie.
I look at her and whisper Blondie, look at me. She looks up and I hide under the table, she looks around calling out, "beeman...bumblebee, where are you?" I go up from under the table, hitting my head in the process and I loudly say "fudge that hurt!" To get told "bumblebee man mind your language!" I got told that by the one and only ever so fancy Heartfilia. I am the ever so fancy Eucliffe. Someone is tapping me I jolt up and I'm in my bed and Lector is punching my back yelling "STING-KUN STING-KUN WAKE UP IM HUNGRY!" I then proceed in complaining about my ears before saying, "lets go to Magnolia today and visit the Fairies. Shall we?" Lector then looks at me weirdly before saying, "okay, is there a reason why or do you just want to visit them?" I get dressed, but with the amount of clothes I wear I may as well be naked. I then slide to the kitchen and make some breakfast knowing that Rogue will want some. I hear a knocking as soon as the food is ready. I yell "Frosch Rogue come in breakfast is ready!" I hear feet rushing to the kitchen and they sit down at their breakfast and we all eat. I then bring up what I said to Lector, "Magnolia today, visit the Fairies?" Rogue looks at Frosch to see his opinion on it and then after a bit Frosch said, "fro thinks so too" and Rogue said, "finneeee, if I haveee tooooooo!" I yell childishly, "YAAAAAAY"
Time Skip to Magnolia
We arrived so I put the sickness tablets away and we walk towards the Fairies guild hall. I open the door carefully to see a lively guild hall. We sneak past them all and up to the Masters office and knock before walking in. I ask Makarov, "can we stay at the Guild hall today and chat to everyone?" He says, "yes, but if you destroy the guild hall we get yours, until ours is rebuilt by Saber Tooth" I nod and we walk out and we go say hi to Mira the barmaid, and she looks confused so I tell her that we are visiting the guild hall today. She then says, "Do you like matchmaking?" I reply, "yes!!! I am the matchmaker of Sabertooth!" Then she squeals with joy, "I knew every guild has one!" I smile and ask what the ships are here, she says, "bixanna, Gale, Jerza, Gruvia, Rowen, fraxus, and ohghdjjfjvj Stilu, rolu, chappy, cartor. ALL THE SHIPS!" She has gone matchmaker crazy, so have I!
Nobody's P.O.V
St. "which to cannon first?"
Mi. "GALE"
St. "Gajeel and Levy, I have an idea!"
Mi. "tell me!!"
St. 'whispers plan'
Mi. "perfect"
"Levy can you go to the guild library, please?"
"sure Mira!"
"Take Gajeel with you please! some books are to high up for you to reach!"
"Sting go quietly"
St. "kay, give the key and the camera!"
Mi. "here, make sure to stay hidden and get all of it!"
Sting sneaks into the library and sprays freshener everywhere and tips a bookshelf over so books go everywhere down at the bottom of the library. He then hears footsteps towards the library and sprays himself. the two walk in Levy giggling at what Gajeel said. He turns the camera on so it is recording them then he locks the door quietly so they don't notice. Sting sits and watches them but then takes out his phone and texts Mira, they're done, activate walls quick!
Mi.text. done, what cute stuff have they done?
St.text.Gajeel lifted Levy onto his shoulders so she could reach a shelf and she fell and Gajeel caught her bridal style.
Mi.text.Squeeeaaaalllll that's so cute!
St.text.turn on the screen and I will connect the camera to it.
Mi.text. Done every one is watching
St.text. They are about to kiss!
Mi.text. Everyone has cameras at the ready
Mi.text. my heart is about to explode, on ship cannoned hundreds across the world to go!
St.text. make it full volume and get everyone recording!
Mi.text. done it
St.text. they are officially a couple, I will unlock the door.
Mi.text. Ok then you can leave they are about to come over.
St.text. I'm out!
Mi.text. come to the bar so we can plan the next ship!!
St.text. on it

Gajeel to levy. Say something beautiful.
Levy to Gajeel. I trust you

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