O21 - bonus

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     After a long day at school as a part of the student council, you were busy preparing an event that PK Academy will hold.

You laid flat on the bed, finally, some comfort at last! You were too tired to do anything, even talking to people was draining you. Of course, the psychic was an exception to that.

Keyword: was.

You didn't have the energy to deal with him since you felt sleepy at that moment. You need to regain your mood back, afraid that Kusuo will see you in your worse state.

It's been seven months since the shared confession. He was treating you reasonably well and vice versa. You were always there for him; however, you feel humiliated facing him at your worse.

'I'm being dramatic.. It's just a school event.' You mentally mumbled to yourself, eyes half-open. You were on the verge of falling asleep. '..and probably eleven homework.' You added, rubbing your eyes tiredly.

It was currently 9 pm. You went home at 7 pm and haven't eaten your dinner yet. Just how tiring can school be? You barely conversed with the pink-haired, which made him worried. You were ignoring him the whole day, which he understands, but he still can't help but worry about your mental wellness.

He levitated outside your window as he watched you stare at the ceiling tiredly. After hearing your conscious talk to itself regarding him seeing you at your worse, he felt a stung in his heart.

He didn't want to make you feel unloved. Hell, that was the last thing he would do. He promised your mother that he would take care of you, after all.

"The earth may shake, my heart might stop, but I will love you beyond death." He silently whispered to himself, watching as you finally fell asleep. 'It's Saturday tomorrow. She can finally sleep peacefully.'

Now, this was his opportunity to sneak inside your room. He figured you needed time and rest, so he gave you all the space you wanted and needed.

This has been going on for days and today was the fourth day this situation has cycled on. You were tiring yourself the whole day while Kusuo was silently taking care of you at night.

He sat beside your sleeping figure, caressing your [ hair color ] hair gently not to wake you up. "Kusuo.." you mumbled, causing the psychic to raise his brows.

'Is she awake the whole time?! No- she's just sleeptalking.' He thought to himself, finding it fascinating.

He was about to get up, but you unconsciously grabbed his hands as a gesture to make him stay. "Kusuo, please.. don't leave me." you silently muttered, which the pink-haired heard clearly.

You were sleeping, but it seemed strange. It felt like you knew what you were doing despite being unconscious. Without having another choice, the psychic laid down beside you and reluctantly pulled you in an embrace.

He hated showing his love and affection through physical touch, but then again, you were an exception to everything.

As much as he hated to admit it, you were the most beautiful blessing God gave him. As long as he has you, he will always be complete.

"Goodnight, [ name ]."

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