Playing it Cool

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Well I'm back. And I've finally motivated myself enough to start writing another book. Obviously it's Skase. I'm still obsessed. I just couldn't stay away...

Chapter 1 in Chase's POV 

Growing up can be tough sometimes. There are things that you gain and things that you lose. Example: you can get more trust invested in you. You become smarter and taller and you start making your own decisions. But you will always miss the joy in your early life. The joy of not knowing what really is out there. Just having fun. It is the type of joy that you will never get back. As you start to mature, heartache is something you just simply can't avoid. I am no different. I was 13 when it all went down. Here's how my story went:

"You'll never catch me!" I said proudly looking down at the other pups. I was perched on top of the balcony looking down at my seekers. We were playing pup hunt (manhunt), and I was the last one standing. I had a plan, too. I was going to outlast them. And it went almost perfectly.

The pups were standing outside next to the entrance to the lookout when I taunted them. At first sight, they knew what they were going to do, and I did too. Once they disappeared into the lookout, I climbed on top of the railing, stood on my hind legs, and reached for the roof. I was just tall enough and was able to climb on top.

I could see the whole town. It was quite a beautiful view with the sunset and the and the gorgeous golden sky. But I couldn't think about that now. I heard the ding signaling the pups were at the top of the elevator. I climbed over to the other side of the roof, and I reached my destination just as they barged out the balcony doors. I couldn't see them but I could hear their voices just fine.

"He was just here!" Rocky said, obviously frustrated.

"He can't have gone anywhere," Marshall said. "He's got to be somewhere up here!"

And with that all of them left, or at least that's what I thought happened. But as soon as I peeked down at the balcony, I was met with Skye's face. She smiled for a second but quickly wiped it off of her face. I blushed.

"found you." She said quietly. I had a pit in my stomach and I did the only thing I knew how to do. Play it cool. "Well unfortunately it's not hide and seek, It's tag. And I'm up here, and you're down there!" I said relatively quietly, in order to avoid the other pups noticing me.

Just then, Ryder came on through our pup tags. "Time for dinner!" he said. I carefully climbed down from the roof and landed next to Skye. "Guess I win then." I said triumphantly, and walked away without saying another word. I thought I was being a little rude, but it was better than acting all flustered whenever I talked to Skye. The truth was, I liked her. I really did. I just couldn't tell her because I was afraid of being rejected. That would ruin everything between us and I most likely wouldn't even want to be within a ten thousand mile radius of adventure bay. But I want to be with her so desperately bad, but I knew that I shouldn't say or do anything right now.

When I got downstairs, Rocky, Zuma, Marshall and Rubble were already there. Skye was next to me, and so we all ate together, the other pups clearly a little frustrated that they couldn't find me, with the exception of Skye, of course. Luckily she kept quiet, because I'm not sure I was supposed to be up on the roof, and I could get in trouble, and I've already done that enough this week. I'm not going to get into details but there were a few close calls.

It was Saturday night so we were going to watch a movie. It was early June and we had a fun summer ahead of us, so we're just chilling out for now. I don't remember what we were watching, all I could remember is that I fell asleep fast because I wasn't very interested.

I woke up after it was over. It was about 11 PM but I had a little energy left in me because I had been sleeping for the last two hours. I was about to enter my pup house when I heard a soft voice behind me. "Chase?" it was Skye. I turned around. "Yeah? Do you need anything?" I asked. I forgot about playing it cool. "Why were you up on the roof?" she asked. "You know it's dangerous and you know you would have gotten in trouble. If you fell off that roof. you would have died. So why risk it?" It was a valid point and I'll admit it did catch me off guard. 

"I knew I wouldn't fall or be caught. Believe it or not, I know how to be careful." I lied. I really wasn't considering the dangers, and know that I think of it I realize I AM lucky to have gotten down safely.

"Just don't do it again," Skye pleaded. "I don't want you to die. None of us do." And without saying another word, she turned around, headed back into her pup house, and shut the door quietly.

I found myself red in the face again. I ignored it, shut the door to my own pup house, and decided to just lay in bed awake for a while, and let myself get carried away in my thoughts.

And there's chapter 1. By the time you are seeing this I have probably finished this a long time ago, and working on chapter 2 or 3. Well I may be a little rusty, but I hope my writing will improve as this goes on. But for now, BYEEEE!

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