I Am Calm When Im With You

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POV Cherry

I hate the hospital. Whats the point in just sitting there if there's nothing left for the doctors to do. What should I do now.. I'm exhausted but starving. Hmm I suppose. "Carla take me to the stupid gorillas restaurant". "Yes master". I'll just go there and eat. I wonder what he's doing right now or if he's even there.

3rd person POV

Cherry wheels into the restaurant. "What the hell Kaoru, your supposed to be at the hospital healing!" "Well parded me but last time I checked you weren't my nurse!" " Well excuse me for worrying about you. What type of crazy person breaks out of a hospital anyways" He helps Cherry settle in. "I am not crazy! You of all people should know I don't like hospitals.." Cherry looks away. Joe looks at Cherry and sighs. "Hungry? I can make your favorite~" Joe teases Cherry and shakes his shoulders. "Well if your gonna keep pesting me about it you might as well."

Joe smiles and goes into the back to make him some food. "So how long is the recovery?" Joe shouts from the kitchen. "They said it'll take a few months but I should heal smoothly." Cherry says as Joe walks out of the kitchen. "Good, I don't know what I'd do without my little cinnamon stick." Joe smiles from above while Cherry blushes and frowns. Cherry snatches his food. "You'll have to manage without me if you keep calling me that!" Joe laughs nervously "Okay okay I'm sorry, you don't have to snatch."

Cherry starts eating his food. Joe sits next to him and watches Cherrys face turn from a frown to calm and content. Cherry looks at Joe staring and locks eyes. "What are you staring at?" "Well you don't have to be so rude" Joe grabs a napkin and raises it up to Cherrys face. "I'm looking at a how messy the cupcake is getting~" He wipes Cherrys face being ever so gentle.

Cherry blushes but doesn't stop him, he just looks away and scoffs. "It's not my fault you only make dishes that calls for sauce all over them. Everything you make is messy!" Joe puts his hand down and goes to the wine rack. "Well last time I checked your the one who said Japan needed more Italian restaurants." He looks through some wine. "Yeah when we were in High School-" Cherry stops eating. "Wait are you telling me you made this restaurant based on-" "Wine?" Joe cuts Cherry off.

Cherry looks at him and thinks weither or not he should ask, but decided not to. "Do you expect me to drink from the bottle or your hand." Joe roles his eyes and puts the bottle down. He sits down "Well, drinking from my hand would be an interesting view~" Cherry whips his head around surprised at his responses. "W-what-!" "Hm?" Joe says with a smile. "Why would you say that!" "Say what~" Joe says as he leans close to Cherrys face. "What did I say Kaoru~"

They stare at each other down. Cherrys blushing and Joe is smirking, waiting to see what Cherry will do. Cherry frowns and turns away. "Nothing you idiot" Joe smiles contently and puts on some relaxing music, then sits back down.

"So.. do you want to talk about it-?" Joe asks nervously. Cherry stays silent while he finishes the rest of his food. "Do you? You always hated when I brought him up. Not to mention from what I heard you looked like you were about to kill him at the beef.-" Cherry says without making eye contact. "Who told you that-" "Shadow. He said you grabbed me and looked at me like you were a lost puppy~" Cherry teased but Joe wasn't smiling. They were silent for a moment.

"He said he had to call you off of Shadow so you 2 could rush me to the hospital. Apparently the whole time you were holding me and wouldn't let me out of your site-" Cherry plays with the tomato on his plate. "I was.... I was scared. I thought I'd lost you-" Jow says as Cherry looks up at Joe. Joe looks away and frowns. "When I saw you on the floor everything in me broke down... I-I just.. I just saw you on the floor motionless. So I thought... I thought you were gonna be another one of his victims.."

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