Chapter 1

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Marshall's POV

I scrawled rhymes across an old notepad trying to finish the lyrics to the song I was working on. Normally the words just flow out of me with no effort at all, but today has been a struggle.

I heard the studio door open and close loudly behind me. I didn't bother to turn around or else I'd lose my train of thought and this song would really be messed up.

"Read this." Paul said abruptly, tossing a thick packet of paper down in front of me.

"What the hell man. Not now, I'm trying to finish this song!" I shoved the papers away and finally wrote down a word that rhymed with the previous one.

"Trust me Marshall, you'll like it." Paul pulled up a seat beside me and pushed the packet back toward me. I huffed and opened the first page to begin reading whatever was so important on the inside. I scanned the first few lines before looking over at my thickly bearded manager.

"Is this a script?"

"Yep and they want you as the lead."

"I can't do a movie. Not right now anyway."

"Sure you can. Marshall obviously you got some pretty intense writers block and you need to get your mind off the album for a while, and what better way to do it then with a movie!"

"I don't know man..."

"Just read over it, then call me tomorrow after you decide what you're going to do... But I'm going home man it's past midnight." Paul patted my shoulder then got up out off his chair and left the studio. I huffed loudly and took the script into my hands, and leaned back in my seat lazily. I did as Paul suggested and continued to read through my lines. It only took me a few minutes to realize what this movie was about and why Paul wanted me to read the script so badly. It's the sequel to my first movie '8 mile' I guess the director wanted to continue the storyline, which isn't a bad idea I just don't know if I want to do this or not. When we created the first movie I was right in the middle of finishing up my album 'The Eminem Show' plus created a whole new sound track for the movie as well. It was stressful as hell, but enjoyable at the same time.

I continued to flip through the pages until I came across a scene that looked questionable. Of course there's another sex scene in this movie! I groaned annoyed and tossed the packet back on the table. I don't feel like having more relationship rumors being spread about me right now. The last fucking thing I need is some fake love interest in a movie.

Rihanna's POV

I took a sip of my martini as I sat at the edge of the pool, kicking my feet freely. I adored California during the summer, it reminds me of my home back in Barbados. Melissa and Leandra relaxed beside me, sprawled out on beach towels.

All of a sudden my cell phone started to ring loudly from the lounge chair behind me. Who the fuck is calling me on a Saturday? I stood up from the pool side and shook my feet generously, making and attempt to dry them before heading to my phone.


"Hey it's Jay, I just got a call for a role in a movie I think you'd be interested in." My manager, Jay Brown spoke professionally through the phone.

"A movie?"

"Yep, the director wants you as the lead female role. It seems like a cool movie, it's going to be shot in Detroit though."

"Jay it's cold as fuck in Detroit."

"It's warmer now that it's summer Ri."

"What's the movie about?"

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