• Chapter 11 •

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After breakfast everyone went to the living room as Mek cleaned the kitchen with the help of Scarlet.

Rebekah was playing with Henrik while Klaus and Elijah observed Kol as he was smiling at a giggling Heaven.

Scarlet walked in just as a red envelope flew from the fireplace. She grabbed Heaven from Kol and walked to Rebekah who was standing near the couch.

"KOL MIKAELSON HOW DARE YOU WALKED INTO A TRAP AND GETTING YOURSELF KILLED. YOU SHOULD BE GLAD THAT YOU HAVE AN AMAZING WIFE WHO ALWAYS CLEAN UP YOUR MESSES. YOU ALMOST LEFT YOUR LITTLE ANGELS. OHHH WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN, YOU AND I WILL BE TALKING ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR MISTER. I was so scared when Scarlet wrote us a letter about you dying and how she brought you back to life. Oh and Scarlet dear Hermione, Ginny and I will be seeing you  on Friday morning dear." The Howler shredded in tiny pieces as Kol just stood there like a statue.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" Klaus exclaimed as he and the rest of his siblings looked at the couple for an answer. All they got was a laughing Scarlet and a pale faced Kol.

Eventually Scarlet calmed down and went to put Henrik and Heaven on their baby walker.

"Oh hubby you are in deep shit you know that" Scarlet said in a hushed whisper so the two babies will not hear anything bad, but the vampires still heard her loud and clear.

Kol looked at her for help. He knew he screwed up big time but his wife was right, he's in deep shit from Molly Weasley's wrath.

"Why did you tell them?" His voice was was shakey and the couple knew not to mess with Mama Weasley.

The remaining Mikaelson siblings was confused. They have never seen Kol afraid of someone except for Mikael, their father. So it was shocking to see Kol's pale face and has fear in his eyes.

"Um... Uh, what's going on here?" Rebekah asked the question that the three Mikaelson have in their head. Kol and Scarlet looked at them, they forgot that they were here.

"Was that letter screamed at you brother?" Asked Klaus as he never heard an absurd thing for his thousand years of being alive.

"That was a Howler. A Howler is a magical letter in a red envelope which enchants the written message into the writer's voice, usually at a very high volume. The physical temperature of the Howler begins to rapidly increase upon delivery and it will explode if left unopened for too long." Kol briefly explained to his siblings.

"Who was that woman screaming then?" Scarlet looked at Elijah when he asked the question, she was trying not to laugh at her husband misfortune.

"Oh that woman is Molly Weasley. You never want to get on her bad side or you'll end up like Kol" Scarlet was grinning like a maniac.

"Okay I get it, I was being careless and stupid and your the one who always save me. You can stop grinning now" Kol rolled his eyes at her. He was annoyed at Scarlet but she's also right. He should have think before going to the Gilbert's house and getting killed.

"So anyway you're going to meet Molly Weasley, my second mother who was there for me since I was eleven years old, tomorrow along with her husband and kids, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, my best friends since first year of Hogwarts." Scarlet explained to them there plan for tomorrow.

The Mikealson siblings was curious who Molly Weasley is and how a woman like her can scare a thousand year old vampire. Scarlet took the twins to their play area. She went back to where the siblings were and saw them talking about something.

"You know I'm really looking forward to meeting Molly Weasley seeing that our dear brother here is afraid of someone else" Klaus said smirking at Kol.

"Oh you'll change your mind when you finally meet her" Kol said it back to Klaus, Elijah just stood at the side smiling at how his siblings finally acting as a semi normal family.

"We'll see about that brother" Klaus gave him a smirk before he went to sit down and enjoy the day of having a semi normal family bonding.


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