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Why is it always me? If i make even the tiniest mistake, i get hit. Why couldn't I have been born with a normal family not ones that have everything against the people i look up to.

Yesterday was horrible, I was just in my room scrolling through the SBI's twitter page (so what they are cool) and heard them talking about their plans to get rid of heroes, i just assumed I heard wrong until the name "Philza Minecraft" was mentioned.

"TOMMY GET DOWN HERE NOW" my mum shouted. She must need a job doing, because i never get called down. I didn't reply instead i just stumbled down the stairs i always used to dread. I had been pushed down these way to many times to count, not by accident either.

"Yes mother?" I want to get out of this place, i don't like it here, i hate everyone. I noticed something different though. They were acting weird, strange even. "Tommy, we are about to ask you something, a really big favour that if you say yes now, you will have to do." This time it was my dad, I don't think anyone here actually likes him, but i mean neither do i so.

"Quick question-" I know that most the time my family can't take 'no' for an answer so its best to ask first because, well, i don't feel like dying today. "No questions Tommy- yes or no" oh shut up dad nobody likes you. "Do i really have a choice in this?" I say closely watching there movements. I see them look at each other, probably doing the silent communication thing whatever it is.

"Now you mention it no, The SBI are looking for someone to manage the social media accounts and we want you to get the job so you can give us more information." Wait, stop there. They want me, a 15 year old boy to work for the people they want dead. No way am I refusing that. "I would gladly do that accept for the fact it says 18+" Mum starts  rummaging through her bag, and pulled out a random piece of paper. "This is why we have this, its a fake birth certificate, you asked last year why you had to learn to drive so young, it was because of this. You just have to remember you go by Thomas Simons and you are 18 years old. We booked the interview for today so go get something presentable on."

Hold on, my name has to change to? eh i'll just tell the interviewer i go by Tommy, its not that hard, but are we ignoring the fact i'm going to meet people in the SBI, my 72k twitter followers shall her about this.

I get in the drivers seat of my car because i'm legally  18 and can drive. Why am I nervous i am Tommy in- Simons and i'm never nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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