charpter 1

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Hey everyone am flora wayword. Am going to tell u about my life here it goes,i am girl well known in fairview, very popular let me say. I am seventeen years old, I graduated from high school but didn't get to college yet because I have no money and no          parents to pay my college fee.l live with my grandmother. She has done enough for me already, she has no money anymore for me so I decided to get it myself, so I decided to work, to get a job.
I tried and tried and tried but didn't get a job suitable for me, but I didn't give up I continue my mission, just as I was walking down the street, I saw what I was looking for it was a job "waiter needed " was written on the vacancy sign board, I took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant. I walked closer to the lady at the computer towards the door.
FLORA - Excuse me ma, I was walking pass your restaurant and I saw the sign written outside.
LADY - oh the vacancy sign
FLORA -yeah that one, I was wondering if I can....ehm...what am trying to say is can I have the job
LADY -oh okay, follow me, this way
FLORA - okay
I followed the lady
LADY - ma'am, there is someone here offering for the job
BOSS - okay let the person in
LADY -come on in (she said to me)
FLORA - oh okay thank you (I said to the lady and walked inside the office, when I walked in I saw a woman sitting with her back facing me. when I entered she turned to my direction)
BOSS -so you are the girl who wants to work here
FLORA - yes ma
BOSS - come come sit down
FLORA - Thank you ma
BOSS - so why do want to work here
FLORA - well actually I need money so badly
BOSS - really
FLORA - yes ma
BOSS - okay,just to let you know being a waitress is really a hard work and I want to know if u can take that risk
FLORA - of cause I can, am really hardworking
BOSS - well if u say so, just sign right here.
FLORA- okay..... (after signing) ma'am please can I ask how much am going to get.
BOSS - ehm... 50 thousand every month
FLORA - what!!! 50 thousands
BOSS - yes is it to small
FLORA - no no no no it's not
BOSS - okay come on let me introduce you to the others
FLORA - okay
(PAH!!! PAH!!! she claps her hands to get the chefs attention)
BOSS - okay people, gather up.... Okay....everyone I would like u to meet flora wayward
FLORA - Hi Hi nice to meet u all (bowing her head) nice to meet you
BOSS - so flora meet James, Piper, Kim Min, Gloria and Peter.
ALL - nice to meet you!!!
FLORA - thank you
BOSS - do u have anything to say to them
FLORA - ehm....i promise to work hard and give u less trouble
BOSS - okay ok...a.. y (she said laughing) so flora u are going to resume tomorrow, it late and we are about to close
FLORA - okay thank you...
BOSS - okay everyone get back at work and get ready to close.
I got home in the night by 9:30, I went into the house and saw my grandma in the sitting room.
FLORA - grandma what are you doing up late (I ran to her, dropping my bag on the chair) you should be in bed.
GRANDMA - I was waiting for you to come home
FLORA - why?
GRANDMA - I was so worried
FLORA - you don't need to worry about me anymore am fine, am always fine. Okay come on let's go inside. You know you are old, you can't stay up late.
GRANDMA - am only 82years
FLORA - well if u are 82 then you are old
GRANDMA - no am not, look, I look like a teenager
FLORA - no you don't
GRANDMA - yes I am
FLORA - okay okay you are not old, not at all Ahahahahah.
After putting my grandma to sleep I went to my room, after my bath, went straight to my bed because I was so tired and also happy. I have been looking for a job for like 5 months now and I finally got one. I went to my table, sat down and brought out a box in the locker, the box has my diary in it, I brought it out and wrote all the things that happened today. After that I went to bed.

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