Chapter 1

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Author Note:- hello everyone! If you're reading this youve probably already read the 1st book in this series, so thank you! 🤍 I will update this story as soon as I can 😊 any feedback is welcome. Would love to hear anyone's thoughts. I will be going back in and editing and adding a lot that I feel should of been carried over from the first book.

"Aurora focus. You're not concentrating." Yetta said for the thousand time this week.

"I am concentrating." I squeezed my eyes shut holding my palms out in front of me. I could feel my fathers magic simmering inside me. Every time I called the magic to come forth I could feel an overwhelming amount rushing to the surface. It's scares me. Having this much power. Power that was not meant for me. I try to control it, to allow only a little to be released at a time. A tiny ball of light grew between my hands. I focused on the ball that glowed brighter and bigger but this power serves as a reminder as to what I have lost. I can still picture Xander's face as the light left his eyes and my father, the man who had avoided me my entire life but who put himself between me and harms way in his final moments. My heart had shattered into a trillion tiny pieces. "Aurora." Yettas voice pulled me from my thoughts. Tears had spilled down my cheeks and the light ball had tripled in size and continued to grow despite my best efforts to reel it back in. I realised I couldn't stop it from growing and I started to panic.

"Yetta?" My breathing became erratic. The panic was evident in my voice. "I can't stop it. Yetta what do I do?"

"Your letting the power control you. You must take control and claim the magic as your own."

"I can' won't listen to me..." the ball of light continued to grow. I tried to push my palms together to force the magic back down but it was no use.

"Yetta. I can't..." before I could warn Yetta to get out of the way to safety the ball of light exploded, the powerful force knocked us both to the ground and shattered every window and glass nearby. This is the second time this week this has happened. At this rate If I keep going like this there will be no windows left in the palace. I covered my head as shards of glass scattered the floor.

"Yetta?" I scrambled to her side as she sat up clutching her head.

"I'm okay." She assured.

"Let me take you to a healer." I insisted. I wanted to heal her myself but until I could control this power, this magic is unpredictable.

"That will not be necessary. I'm fine." We both stood and Yetta straightened her skirt brushing off invisible dust.

"That's enough for today. We will try again tomorrow." She smiled a smile that didn't reach her disappointment filled eyes as she guided me out into the hallway. I knew she was worried about my ability to control this power. She's not the only one. Word had spread of the events that lead to my brothers and parents deaths. Most of it untrue but the unease of whether I was suitable for the throne continued to grow with each passing day. The truth is I am not suitable for the throne. The people of the light realm expected more, deserved more. They deserved Xander. I still expect him to stroll back into the palace to tell me all about his adventures. I barely remember his or my father and step mothers funerals. The whole day was a spectacle that's passed by in a blur. I couldn't face seeing the grief stricken face of Nuri and the rest of the people of this realm when I felt a sickening amount of guilt for the part I played in the events that led to the death of my family. Of course my friends have tried continuously to cheer me up and annoying as they are their presence has been a good distraction. I've had no training to take up such a position and the weight of the burden of the crown is already sitting heavy on my shoulders. With each day that passes by the light realms borders become weaker. If I don't find a way to control this magic soon the shield protecting the light fae will crumble leaving everybody venerable to the creatures of the void. Their blood as well as my brothers and parents will be on my hands and I cannot let that happen.

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