In a distant galaxy, far from Earth, laid a green marvelous planet close to a red sun. This planet is called Krypton, these beings from the planet Krypton has exceeded their limit to our standards as peak physical and mental perfection. However, this planet has seen their troubles as well; civil war plagued this planet when an ambitious leader with his army tried to take the council chambers of Krypton to be its appointed leader. They were stopped thanks to the forces of brave men and women to save their planet and their way of life.
In the judgment chamber of Krypton laid a caucaisian man with slick black hair, dark brown eyes, a black goatee, wearing crimson cape, a black skin tight undersuit with dark grey armor around his body with a crest and a stylish z in the middle of the crest. The two that stood with him wore similar attire however with no crest, on his right was a woman with fierce blue eyes and black hair, and on the right is a muscular man with dark brown hair with a black beared.
A man with white hair that had a curl infront of his forehead, blue eyes, wearing a white overcoat to his black undersuit wearing a similar crest to the one in custody however with a stylish S in the crest. "Fellow members of Krypton's High Council," he stated as he held up a crystal, "You all have seen the evidence and heard the testimonies, from multiple witnesses, of General Zod's insurrection and brutal leadership in order to declare himself ruler of Krypton," he stated as he then set the crystal into one of the slots. "It is my recommendation that these individuals are too dangerous to be released back into society. However, the council has already declared the fates of those who followed in Zod's footsteps, via the death penalty," he then turned towards the man in the center. "You know the penalty if you are found guilty Dru-Zod?" He asked.
"Spare me the gravitas Jor-El," Zod stated as he stared down the man. "We all know the penalties for treason, either death or the Phantom Zone," he said with calmness in his voice.
Jor-El nodded as he then turned towards the council members, "Very well...what does the Council members declare?" He asked.
"Guilty!" all of the council members exclaimed as they stated down at Zod and his two companions.
Jor-El nodded in understandment as he looked at all of them, "What will be the verdict and the punishment to suit the crime?" he asked as he put his hands infront of him.
"Treason," they all stated and then they stopped and looked at one another. Three out of the six members voted for the Death Penalty while the other voted for life imprisonment in the Phantom Zone.
Zod smirked as he then looked at Jor-El, "Well old friend," he said in a smug manner, "It seems like our fates are in your hands."
"So it would seem," Jor-El stated before putting his hands on his vest. "I still have a duty as a member of this council to make the final judgment."
Zod's smirk dropped as he then stared at Jor-El, "Come now Jor-El. You don't have to vote at all, let me go and I will be able to kill everyone in this chamber except for you," he threatened, "You can do well in the New Order for Krypton. All you have to do is swear to me and Kneel before Zod."
Jor-El raised his eyebrow as he looked at the council, "You all know how much I value life," he declared before looking at the three convicts, "Even for the most vile of beings, but only a fool will let these monsters go," he sighed. He then looked down before back at the council members. "My judgment stands for imprisonment in the Phantom Zone for life," he stated, "Zod, Ursa, Non, may Rao be merciful in his judgement."
"Damm you Jor-El!" Zod exploded in anger as he yelled at the man who was walking away from the chamber. "Wherever you go I will follow, I will not rest until you kneel before me," he said as a guard came in with the Phantom Zone generator. "YOU AND YOUR HEIRS!" he yelled before the generator fired and sent the three criminals into the Phantom Zone.
Supergirl: Earth 1993
FanficOnce before you saw the tale of Timothy Wayne and his ascension to the role of the Dark Knight on this world. Now, you witness the birth of a hero before the others, the one hero to bring hope. A hope that has not been conceived since the Justice So...