Chapter 1

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Tabitha's POV

"Wake up, Tabitha, Wake up now" my mum literaly screamed next to my ear. "What" I said rather bitchy. "you're going to be late for your first day of school!" she said, now calmer. I turned and let my head fall onto my pillow. "I don't wanna go" I murmured into it. "I understand love but you'll have to go" she tried to comfort me. "But you're not alone, you still have Harry" he said.

Harry is my twin brother. He's taller than me but he has the same dark brown hair and blue eyes as me. Normally we get along really well but since we moved to Australia we got into fights more often. "Oh yeah whatever" I said and got up. I walked over to my closet to decide what I was going to wear today. I wasn't planning on anything fancy, my jeans and superdry hoodie would do.

I walked over to the bathroom and banged on the door ."Harry let me in. I'm already running late!" I shouted. He opened the door and said : "calm down you still have time enough." "get out of my way" I said and pushed him out of the way and closed the door behind me. I got dressed and did my hair. I applied some make up. But not too much, I didn't want to look fake. "Tabitha we have to leave" I heard my mum shouting from downstairs. I went to my room and picked up my bag. My mum and Harry were already waiting. I choose my vans over my high heels today. I walked over to the car and got in. I plugged in my earphones and started listening to my music. It was only a five minute drive to the school but how closer we got how more nervous I became. My mum pulled up in front of the gates. "Have a good day love" she said when I got out. I could barely hear it due of my music that was playing loud in my ears. I kept on walking next to Harry until I stopped just infront of the doors of the builing. "Come on" he said and grabbed my hand. Sometimes I still had the feeling he understood me.

The builing was massive, finding my in this place would be easy. We even had trouble finding the principal's office. Harry was so despirate that he walked up to three guys from about our age.

Luke's POV

I was talking to Cal and Michael, when a guy from our age walked over to use. "Excuse me" he asked "can you please show us the principals' office, me and my sister are new here" He pointed at a girl how was standing a bit behind him. She had brown hair and blue eyes. She was absolutly gorgeous. "Of course I will. I'm Luke btw and this are Cal and Micheal" I said point at the others. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tabitha" she said, her brother didn't say anything. Her voice had something special, it was something about her accent. It didn't sound a 100% like and aussi accent. "Come on we gotta go before the bell rings" I said and walked them over to the office.

I knocked on the door and waite for an answer. "Come in" I opened the door and went in. "Ah Mister Hemmings why do you want to talk to me" the principale asked. "Well this girl and her brother are new to the school and they asked me to show me your office" I said. "Then you must be Tabitha and Harry" the principal said.

Tabitha's POV

"Ye sir" I replied to him. "Here is your time table and locker number and code " he said. "oh and Luke can you please show the around" he asked the boy who guided us here. "I'll be fine" harry said, "but my sister can probably use some help" he added. I was shocked by that. He walked out and went to his first class.

"It looks like you'll have to spend today with me" Luke joked. I didn't know how to respond to that. I looked at him. I didn't noticed at first but he looked really good. He had lovely blue orbs. "What" he asked with a sheekey smile. Damn I had been staring for to long. "Nothing" I said. "We have to go we are already late" he said and took my hand and he lead me to our first class. I'm not joking when I say that when he touched my hand I could feel a little spark.

The first class we had was physics, and unfortunately 2 classes after each other. But luckely I had Luke to cheer my up and he did a pretty good job.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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