Vampire Bite's

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Agony Crimson, a pale white with black hair woman, dressed like a Victorian woman in mourning, with blood red eyes, she smiles with black lipstick on and fangs.

Agony asks, "Why don't you come to my house for dinner?"

Dove York, a pale white woman with brown hair, wearing a light rainbow-colored dress, smiles.

Dove responds, "That sounds wonderful."

Agony Crimson opens black umbrella with black lace, she steps into the sun and says, "The sunlight is so bright, it almost burns."

Dove puts on a large, tightly-knit straw hat and steps alongside Agony with a smile.

Agony Crimson offers a black gloved with black lace and says, "Follow me~☠️ 🖤 🥀?"

Dove gently takes Agony's hand.

Dove asks, "Gladly. I'm Dove York. What's your name?"

Agony Crimson says, "I am Agony Crimson...Charmed~♥️ ☠️"

Dove smiles, a blush rises to her pale cheeks.

Dove York says, "As am I."

Agony Crimson is walking in her black, laced up, knee high, boots. Dove follows alongside Agony in her sandals.

Agony Crimson asks in a dull tone, "Don't your sandals hurt to walk in after a long time?"

"I'm not affected by pain like most people," Dove says then giggles, "I'm tougher than I look."

Agony remarks, "I like girls that are tough and can fight back."

Dove responds, "You look tough, and cute."

Agony Crimson nods then responds, "Thank you, I appreciate your words."

Agony is approaching the castle that looks like Dracula owns it.

Dove gazes at the castle as she approaches it too. Dove remarks, "Oh, you have very interesting architecture. I like it."

Agony says, "It is an old family house, I am sure if they were home that they'd love to hear you say that."

"I'd have to meet your family one day," Dove says and smiles happily.

Agony says, "Stay the night and you might."

Agony opens the large steel gate.

Dove responds, "OH, I will only if I won't be a bother."

Agony smiles slyly then responds, "You wouldn't bother anyone at all."

Dove smiles and heads inside past the large steel gate. Agony opens the big grey stone doors of castle as it begins to thunderstorm. Dove heads inside the castle. Agony enters and closes door behind them. Dove admires the inside of the castle. It's lit by crimson flame black candles. It's dim but not too dimly lit.

Agony says, "Impressive, but you can get used to it if you stay too long."

"I think the atmosphere is wonderful," Dove says.

Agony says, "I prefer that it stays this kind atmosphere."

Agony walks impossibly silently. Dove follows behind Agony quietly.

Agony Crimson walking, gestures to some paintings, she says, "This is my family. They aren't here but they will be tonight."

Dove looks at the paintings then remarks, "You have a very handsome and beautiful family."

Agony says, "They've changed much since the paintings were last painted. You'll be surprised if not shocked by it in fact."

"I'm sure they still look just as lovely," Dove says.

Agony guides her to a long table with two seats at either end. Dove sits at one end. Agony sits at the other end. The table is covered in fruits and meats. Dove politely puts pieces of fruit on a plate. Agony elegantly grabs fork and stabs bloody meat before putting it on her plate. Dove begins eating her fruit. Agony begins 'eating' the bloody meat. Dove sucks the juices of the fruit.

Agony asks, "Would you like some wine?"

Dove answers, "Yes, please."

Agony goes over a pours some wines into her glass, she says, "I don't"

Agony pours red liquid into her own glass.

"Thank you," Dove says.

Agony nods and says, "Welcome."

Dove takes a sip of wine.

Agony sips her red liquid. Dove drinks more of her wine.

Agony says, "Care to tell me something about yourself?"

Agony is drinking her liquid.

Dove says, "Well I don't do well in the sun so I usually spend most of the day reading. Tell me about yourself."

Agony responds, "I like collecting bones and I also can't handle sunlight. You can tell by my pale skin."

"You look very cute," Dove remarks.

Agony blushes lightly and says, "You are so sweet to me." goes over to her

Dove blushes lightly. Agony kisses her neck, Dove nuzzles into the kiss. Agony bites her neck.

Dove whimpers, "Mmm~ Gently."

Agony pulls away and asks, "Why is your blood fruit cocktail?"

"My diet is of honey and fruit," Dove answers.

Agony, terrified, asks, "What candy coated monster are you?"

Dove asks, "You don't like me anymore?"

Agony responds, "I'm a vampire, I lured you here to eat. Of course, I like you but... It scares me to be in the presence of monsters that aren't human or vampire"

Dove frowns and says, "And here I thought you wanted me for dinner, not as dinner."

Agony frowned back.

"...Am I still allowed to stay over and meet your family?" Dove asks.

"Sure, you might have to explain this to them?" Agony says.

"Okay. But no more trying to drink my blood, okay?" Dove says with a smile.

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