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"What do you have there?"


Yambo and Banjex had never really gotten along as long as they've known each other. Occasionally they'd see one another while Yambo was patrolling, but it was just a glance and they went along with their day; Banjex just not giving a shit as to what Yambo was doing, and Yambo feeling too busy to try to bring justice to Banjex's weed addiction. Today was different though. Yambo was on his break and had spotted the man wobbling around the streets like usual, but this time he had noticed a....strange bag in his hand. Knowing Banjex, this had to have been a pile of drugs but it was worth a shot to see what was going on while Yambo had his free time.

"That bag." Yambo pointed at Banjex, who was lazily sitting in an alley with a blunt in his mouth.

"What about it? You tryin' t steal from me?!"

"Banjex! I'm a cop, I'd get fired on the spot! I'm not stupid, so what's in that bag!!"

"None of your business!"

Banjex crossed his arms and tossed his old blunt on the ground, getting ready to light another one before Yambo slapped it out of his hand. He swiftly covered the pink sack with his arm.

"What gives?!"

"Let me see!" Yambo put his hands on his hips, trying to act mighty despite his small size. He KNEW something was up due to how his rival (at the moment) was being so secretive.
"You are under arrest for— uh....possession of suspicious possessions..!"

"Fuckin' what-" Banjex took out ANOTHER blunt and lit it, blowing the smoke into Yambo's face, causing the little officer to cough.
"I don't think you want to see the shit that's in there. It's nothin' illegal though, trust me."

"..." Yambo raised an eyebrow in a 'you think I'm going to believe that?' tone.

"You can say bullshit, I won't tell."


"Geez, tryin' t' call me a criminal already?"

Yambo's eyes widened, realizing what he said and how unprofessional it was...and mean.
"W-Well..! You-"

Banjex started laughing his ass off at that.
"HAHAHA- Really?! That's all?! Y'know I was a bit startled when a cop came up t' me but I don't think I gotta worry anymore!"
He snickered and blew another puff of air.

"Mmmn....!" The little officer looked away, blushing out of embarrassment.
"N-No! I..!"
Tears started to weld up in his eyes, turning his face away out of partial embarrassment and partial anger with himself.



Banjex sighed and reached down for his bag, holding it up to Yambo.


"Look, I'm not in the mood for listenin' to a grown man cry, jus' take it."

The little officer jumped from excitement.
"O-Okay!! And if it's anything illegal I'll finally arrest you!"


Yambo took the bag, eyes gleaming with a little determined look on his face.
"Hmmm! Lets see!"
For a minute Banjex looked at him and the police man looked kind of...cute? But that thought was washed away as quickly as it came when Yambo's expression changed from excited to....horrified.

"Told you you didn't wanna know." Banjex blew another puff of air, un-phased.

Yambo stuttered, not wanting to rummage through that bag no matter if there was anything illegal hidden in it due to the content matter.
"W-W-Why do- you—"

OH NO BANJEX X YAMBO WHOLESOME SEX!!!!!!!!! (Cover unrelated LOL)Where stories live. Discover now