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This is a sasuke x femnaru modern au
It was a new day at konaha(I don't t know if I spelled that correctly)high.
Naruko was on her couch waiting for sasuke to come pick her up to go to school.
She went to the weather app because she was bored.
When she went on it she saw that it would be below 50° Fahrenheit.
Naruko shrugged and put her phone down when she heard the door bell ring.
"Hello sasuke!"
Naruko said with excitement.
"Where is your coat you do it's gonna get really cold today?".
Sasuke said concerned.
"I'm an uzamaki sasuke i can withstand anything".
Naruko said.
Sasuke sighed picking up Naruko's backpack.
"Come on or we'll be late to class".
Sasuke said already walking away from Naruko.
"H-hey wait up!"
Naruko said chasing after sasuke.
When they got to school everyone was looking at Naruko weird for not wearing multiple layers as any normal person would do on a day it's cold day. But Naruko was Naruko so she didn't care.
During lunch
Sasuke was with his friends(kiba, shino, choji, shikamaru)
"Hey sasuke do you know why Naruko isn't wearing any layers?"
Kiba asked.
"She said that she's an uzamaki and can handle anything"
Sasuke said chuckling.
Kiba looked back at his bento.
Sasuke was about take a bite of his bento when he felt something or someone on his side. Sasuke looked to his left when he saw his girlfriend(naruko)
Snuggling into him."what did I tell you"
Sasuke said putting an arm around naruko.
Naruko just shivered in her lovers arms. Sasuke looked back and took off his second layer(he has two jackets on) and put it around naruko.
When she felt the warmth of the jacket she she pulled on the sides to make it go over her chest.
The bell rang and naruko and sasuke went to their next class with Naruko still holding the jacket.
When they both took their seats sasuke pulled naruko body so she was on his lap.
3 minutes later
The teacher was doing role call
"Uhh naruko!"
"Where's naruko?"
The teacher asked with concern.
"Shes right here mr.kakashi"
Sasuke said pointing down at his lap.
Kakashi went to to sasukes and narukos table and looked at sasukes lap.
"Is she ok?"
Kakashi asked.
"She didn't bring a jacket so I think that she might have a cold"
Sasuke said responding to his sensei.
"Well can you bring her to the office for me?"
Kakashi said with his eyes curving upwards."
Sasuke said picking up naruko and walking out of the class room.
"Told you"
Sasuke said to the shivering and sleeping blonde.

452 words

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