Chapter One

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Hello loves , before reading this book I would like you all to know it is a dark romance. The topics in this book will not be light. The list of triggers are VIOLENCE, CHOCKING/BREATHE PLAY, KIDNAPPING, MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE, SWEARING, SEXUALLY EXPLICIT SCENES, SPANKING.


It all started back in middle school, when I still had my aunt Sonia, when life still sorta made sense. I was never very rich but we were comfortable, that's how Aunt Sonia was able to put me and Vesenia through private school. Vesenia is my cousin, aunt Sonia's only child. She is the only other people who I could count on. She was like a sister to me, she stood up for me but ultimately it didn't help much.

Amongst my peers, I was the poorest one. When everyone had the latest spray ground book bag, I had a Jansport backpack. While everyone bought lunch I had to bring mine from home to save up money. It didn't help that I was the only black girl and on the chubbier side, they tore me apart every single day. I used to have to eat lunch in the guidance counselors office, hidden away with Vesenia, I hated class so much that my grades started to decline.  That was until the 6th grade when I met Marcel Lombardi. I never had many friends and nobody would really step in when I was being bullied, but this all stopped when I met my Marcel.

He beat the shit out of anyone who spoke ill of me, he had all the rumors stopped, and everyone started to respect me. He showed me love in a way I didn't think I'd ever felt before. It wasn't in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of way, it meant more than that. It was like this for four years till we got to our sophomore year of high school, there was a massive shift in the way he treated me. Marcel became harsher, but still pulled me in when he was affectionate and caring. His emotions would flip like coins, this was partly due to the fact that his father and oldest brother had passed away. His mother wanted him to become more involved in the family business after that. Although now that I'm older, I don't think anyone had much of a choice in that matter.

There was something so familiar about him, we trusted each other immediately. We made each other feel safe, both of us working to make the other a better person. That's why despite it being against the rules, Marcelo told me about his family. I never truly knew how deep his connections ran. See, the Lombardi family had been running New York City since the 50s. With the first born male now being gone, this was always the path Marcelo was going to take. One day he asked me for a favor, it would be small things like delivering a package, over time the favors escalated. He needed me to "Get to know." someone as he called it. There was a man who they wanted to get to know so I can't deliver his location to them. So for three months I pretended to be his friend.

His name was Henry, but he went by Ears on the account that he had amazing hearing. He was real skinny with pale skin and strong features. At first I wasn't faking our friendship, but my loyalty to Marcelo came before anything else. So I did what I had to do. On the third month of knowing Ears, he finally slipped up and got too comfortable. He told me to meet him at his house, I got the location and sent it to Marcelo. I didn't know what would happen, but the next day I saw the news and Henry was dead. Shot right outside of his apartment. Later on I learned that Henry was the nephew of a rival family.

I didn't really wanna do it, but I couldn't ever say no to Marcelo. Partly because no wasn't an option with him, but mainly because I felt like I owed him for saving me all these years. Ever since then it's been downhill from there, after my aunt Sonia passed I've been living with Marcelo. He's taken excellent care of me, as long as I did what he asked there would be no issue. However, on rare occasions that I didn't comply  he becomes harsh again.

I'm twenty one now and the "favors" haven't ended and they don't show a sign of stopping either. Before it was hard to do the favors he asked. The guilt would eat me alive, but Marcelo said these people threaten his life and he couldn't have that. Anyone who would take Marcelo away from me wasn't someone who should be alive anyway. I slowly began to get numb to it all. At the end of the day, the only man I care for is Marcelo. Anytime Marcelo is happy, I am happy, and I'll do anything for my happiness.

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