🍋Raspberry x Parfait🍋

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+-_This was requested >:D-_+
~Type: Smut~
- Summary: Idk tbh lmfao-
- Overly lesbain shit/Nsfw
- Bad writing skills
- Cringe
Never wrote lesbain sex before so this should be interesting heheheh
Also this contains my au
Ok enjoy this mistake ig

Raspberrys POV:
My moms decided to have a party at there castle today and a bunch of important cookies were coming
I was extremely excited for this because my girlfriend parfait is coming! It took a lot of sweet talking to get my moms to get her to come but I'm glad that they agreed!
I went downstairs in my ball dress
And cookies were already starting to arrive
Clover and raspberry mousse. My cousins were the first ones here
Clover: Hey rasp!
Raspberry mousse: Hi
Raspberry: Hi Clover! Hi mousse!
Clover: Your usually never this excited for a party why's that?
Raspberry: Parfaits coming this time!
Raspberry mousse: You fucking simp-
Raspberry: Hey! She's my girlfriend of course I'll be excited if I find out she's coming!
Parfait suddenly walked in
Parfait: Hi my little paru!
Raspberry: Parfait!!
Parfait: Hehe thank you!
You look beautiful tonight!
Raspberry:You look better!
Clover: Alright you two this is very cute but dinner is about to be served we should probably go and sit now
Raspberry: Right let's go
I grabbed Parfaits hand and brought her to the table
We both sat down next to each other
Parfait: Sooo... rasp do you mind if I stay the night here with you?
Raspberry: Oh yeah sure!
Parfait: Alright thanks!
Two plates of food were passed down to us
Raspberry: Thanks!
Enjoy the food parfait!
Parfait: I will thank you!...
About 15 minutes went by and I had already finished my food I looked over at parfait and she hadn't even taken a single bite yet
She also seemed to be a little nervous and uncomfortable
Raspberry: Hey parfait are you ok?
Parfait: Huh? Oh yes I'm totally fine!
Raspberry: Why didn't you eat anything arnt you hungry?
Parfait: Uhm not really... I mean I am but I'm hungry for... something else...
Raspberry: Oh? Really? There's a lot more food if you don't like anything on your plate!

Parfaits POV:
How did she not get that?... considering how dirty minded she is I thought she would pick up the hint right away!
Maybe it's because she's in the presence of a bunch of kings and queens she has to act formal and perfect?
Hm.. oh well I'll just tell her directly once this party is over...

~Time skip~
It was about 12 and cookies were starting to leave
Raspberry said her goodbyes to everyone and the castle went completely silent
Raspberry: Whew! What a night!
Did you have fun?
Parfait: Yeah that was fun thanks for letting me stay the night bye the way!
Raspberry: Yeah no problem!
Speaking of which you wanna go to my room now?
Parfait: Alright!
She lead me up to her room and sat down on the edge of her bed
Raspberry: You want me to put on a movie?
Shit... there's no way I'll be able to ask her now ill ruin the mood!
Oh well... I guess I'll just have to do it myself...
Parfait: Ok sounds good! Mind if I use your bathroom really quickly though?
Raspberry: Sure help yourself!
I smiled a bit and made my way to the build in bathroom in her room
I went in with my face full of blush
I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this...
I took of my clothes and started touching myself in certain areas

Raspberrys POV:
What's taking her so long?
She's been in there for awhile...
I should probably check on her...
I went to the bathroom door and knocked on it
Raspberry: Parfait?
Are ok alright,can I come in?...
I put my hand on the door nob and was about to open the door

Parfaits POV:
Crap!- I forgot to lock the door!-
I quickly put my back against the door
Parfait: Y-Yes! Everything is completely fine!
Raspberry: Parfait... I know something is wrong... You've been in there for way to long come on let me in!
I tried to push myself more onto the door but raspberry was able to pry it opened because of how strong she is
The expression on her face quickly changed as my face turned bright red
Raspberry: U-uhm... parfait?...what are you doing?...
Parfait: Uhm.... ok I guess I have to come clean... I uhm... want you really badly...
Ever since the party started...
Raspberry: Wow! Uhm really you did?... why didn't you say anything?...
Parfait: I tried to leave you hints but you didn't pick them up!
She sighed and looked and me
Raspberry: Well then I'm sorry.... do you want me do it now?...
Parfait: Uhm... yeah...
Raspberry smirked picked me up and placed me down on her bed
She then placed 2 fingers in my mouth
Raspberry: Suck please
I nodded and started sucking on them as she undressed herself
She waited a bit and then took her fingers out of my mouth
Parfait: W-wow rasp... y-your so... p-pretty...
Raspberry: Thanks so are you dear~
She spread my legs open and was about to put her fingers in
Raspberry: You ready?
I nodded and she got started slowly placing one in
Parfait: F-fuck~...
Raspberry!~ ahh~
She added another finger in and started thrusting slowly
I was already panting and sweating a bit as more moans managed to slip out my mouth
Raspberry: You ok?...
Parfait: Yeah... I feel amazing... go faster please...
She nodded and thrusted her fingers at a more fast paste
Parfait: Ah!-~
Fuck fuck!~
Raspberry: Your doing great dear~
She went a bit faster
Parfait: ahah~
Oh god~ M-mommy~
I didn't mean for that to slip out but I didn't care Raspberry seemed to like it anyways
Parfait: Mmm~
Rasp I-Im close!~
Right after that I released on Raspberrys fingers
Rasp: Alright love let's stop now
Parfait: Alright...
She kissed my lips softly
Raspberry: I love you

First time writing lesbain smut how did I do 🏃‍♀️
I low key wished I was parfait In this /j
But yeah I hope you liked this destination of a one-shot
Ok byeee

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