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Bakugou katsuki, to put it simply, was pissed. He didn't want to come home at all but his father had practically begged him to,bitching and moaning about how he and his mom missed him, how she felt abandoned and all that shit, He had to. honestly he didn't give a damn how the old hag felt but his old man, well that was a different story. He huffed. Even as a 19 year old Hollywood actor he purposely distanced himself from his mom. She was toxic, always making him feel weak,like he had to be the strongest or he had no right to exist. He sometimes hated her for the shit she put him through. Hated himself for lashing out at deku for things he had no control over,because he didn't know how to cope. Growing up he harbored so much self hatred. Kirishima and Mina in the middle of high school had practically forced him to go to therapy and even though he'd never admit it. It helped a lot. So much that he continues to see her to this day. He and deku had somewhat made up but bakugou was still far from perfect. He sometimes still took his anger out on him,never physically though. He had moved past that. Deku hadn't done the greatest. It was no secret that in middle school izuku was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. Another thing he had mercilessly teased him about. He settled for going to a regular high school nearby and ended up dropping out to find a job after his mom got cancer. Mitsuki and Masaru ended up helping out as much as they could but he knew izuku at the time needed to feel useful. That was probably could but he knew izuku at the time needed to feel useful. That was probably the only thing keeping him sane. Near izuku's eighteen birthday inko passed away and since then he knew izuku was having trouble keeping a job. Deep down he knew why. Izuku had given up after Inko's death. Katsuki made plenty of money as an actor and tried to help Izuku out whenever he couplacese hardest part was getting the damn nerd to accept it. He would always studder out some lameass excuse of why he couldn't take the money. He had almost stopped trying until he overheard Izuku's landlord talking about evicting him. He then started to " accidentally" leave money in random places The first few times Izuku had called him and told he left money but Katsuki would never come by to retrieve it. After a while izuku gave up and accepted the money. Before long he arrived at his parents house and got out of his car. The outside still looked the same. A light brownish gray stone two story house. He hated this house with every fiber in his being. For him it was a constant reminder of the verbal abuse that fucked him up for so long. He sighed as he opened the door and walked in. He was greeted by his father and mother. Masaru had bags under his eyes, he hadn't had a propers night rest in god knows how long. His mother however had the same disapproving look on her face that he had grown to hate " what took you so long to come and visit brat"? Bakugou just rolled his eyes at her question. All he had to do was make it through one dinner and he'd through one dinner and he'd be free to go back to his house or maybe visit deku. "Dinners ready. Do you mind setting the table katsuki?" Bakugou looked at his dad, "alright old man, " he said, walking towards the kitchen. He grabbed three plates and some silverware and headed to the dining room. Masaru was the one to cook considering his mom couldn't cook worth shit. Tonight they were having Kare-raisu. They sat down at their table and gave thanks for their food. Katsuki saw his mom and dad glance at each other a few times. "If you have something to say, say it " he growled putting his fork down. His mom was the first to open her mouth " you and izuku have been really close lately" bakugou didn't understand where she was going with this " so what" i'm not allowed to have fucking friends now"? He snarled out "that's not what she means, it's just" Mitsuki cuts her husband off. " are you gay" the question completly took him off guard. This was a conversation he was NOT ready to have yet and to be honest he couldn't answer the question if he wanted to. He honestly didn't know. He stood up and began to walk towards the door. "Mitsuki stands up and begins to walk towards him " it's not complicated answer the damn question" she grabs katsukis shoulder he slaps off "KATSUKI" she screams " WHAT" bakugou ends up screaming back " WHY WONT YOU JUST ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION?" Mitsuki was now just as angry at bakugo for giving her the  the runaround.

" SO WHAT IF I AM,YOU GONNA CALL ME WEAK,SISSY, A FUCKING FAGGOT"? He was pissed because hes seen how his mother acts around same sex couples. Heard the names she calls them when theres a fucking gay couple in a show. He wanted to leave. He hated being here. It reopened so many mental scars.He was grown now though. He didn't have to put up with this. He got up from the table then took a deep breath trying to calm his anger, another thing his therapist had taught him. " He looked at his parents and calmly said " I respect you wanting to know but that is a topic I'm not ready for." He opened the front door and sprinted outside. He knew this wasn't going to end well,yet for the sake of his dad he decided to come anyway " FINE RUNAWAY FROM YOUR FAMILY LIKE YOU ALWAYS FUCKING DO. RUNWAY "" mitsukis words hurt him,they hurt him more than she would ever know Hewiped stray tears from his face. He thought he was gay but that didnt mean he wanted his parents to know. He was tired and yea going to dekus seemed like a better idea then sitting alone at his place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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