Everyone's Going To Know

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I always felt like they didn't handle Santana's outing correctly. From Finn being the hero, to the lack of Brittany, everything was off. We should've seen Santana's parents reaction and we should've seen more of Brittany, because this affected her too. Mr Schuester will be a decent teacher/human being. Canon-ish (not really) but with my own twist. Excuse my incorrect use of commas and enjoy.

Also regarding Brittany's sexuality. (I want to state this because it can come across the wrong way). I don't mean to disregard bi people (there's too much biphobia happening), or to diminish Brittany's sexuality, but I personally have always felt that she was pansexual, but the writers were too pussy to make that happen back then. I hope it isn't rude or offensive and I'm deeply sorry if it is (please educate me or let me know if this is wrong :) ).


Again, I wrote this ages ago when I still wrote glee stuff...I don't anymore, it's just Little Mix really now. I hope people still enjoy. 

Also prewarning, its very very very very long. 


Everyone gasped.

She had really done it. She had slapped the green giant Finn Hudson. It's not like he didn't deserve it, because he really did; she had shocked herself. She didn't plan to slap him, as much as she wanted to. She was just so angry at him and he was sat there with a smirk on his face, thinking he was all high and mighty. Then Snixx took over and his face was met with a hard open palm.

"What the hell Santana?!" Finn shouted, gripping his reddening cheek with his hand.

"You- You..." She pointed her finger in his face, trying to get her words out; she didn't get the chance. Her whole body started to shake with sobs. She hated crying in front of people. Her abuela had told her numerous times how it was a sign of weakness, but at the moment she didn't have the energy to care.

She felt Brittany come up behind her, wrapping her arms around her and rubbing her back. She was whispering words of love into Santana's ear, but she couldn't hear her properly. She was too far in her head, thinking of all the things that coming out would do to her. She didn't hear the commotion around her, she just buried herself further into Brittany's embrace.

"What the hell did you do Finn?" Mercedes shouted angrily, standing up and making her way toward him. A majority of the club shouted in agreement with Mercedes.

"Why do you all think I did something? Did you not just see her hit me?!" Why was he the bad guy here? He had just been slapped and for what? Why didn't anyone understand that he was helping Santana and that it wasn't a big deal? And why did no one care the he had been SLAPPED?

"Finn look at her!" Everyone turned their heads toward Santana. Brittany had pulled them both to the floor and was rocking Santana back and forth, as heart-breaking cries came from her. Shelby was stood next to them, placing a sympathetic hand on Brittany's shoulder. "I have never seen Santana cry sober, never mind broken!" Mercedes continued. That was partly true. The only times Santana has cried in front of her was when she was under the influence, and when Mercedes made a comment in booty camp about her eating disorder. It had really hurt Santana's feelings and she'd gotten emotional in front of Mercedes. She'd felt awful about it, but she was quickly forgiven because Santana knew she didn't mean it.

"I hate to say it Finn, but she's right. What happened?" Kurt asked, trying to be fair and equal, which would definitely not last long.

"She's overreacting! This is what she does!" He said whilst waving his arms about angrily, deflecting from what he's done.

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