Chapter 2

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I grabbed my cloak, throwing the hood up to disguise my face as I made my way to the workers quarters and down the secret passageways that lead to the back of the palace. I walked without a plan, thinking over everything what has happened and the decisions that lay before me. I didn't know what to do. If I could just control this magic I could resolves most of the light faes problems. It would mean I could distance us from the dark fae. Protect my people from their scheming ways and from the voiderz. But how? There's not a single person alive that knows how to control this much magic. Except of course Azra. But I would rather have a creature of the void gouge out both my eyes than to reach out for his help. I don't know what id do if I even faced him again. I shivered at the memory of his betrayal but I couldn't help recall the good things too. Those moments hurt the most. Him opening up to me about his brother, him saving my life at the dark palace, gifting me with the stardust necklace, the way his friends and his little sister adored him, the way he stood between me and his parents and defended me. 'Shes my heartbond'. Not a day has gone by those words haven't played over and over in my head. I still didn't understand what it all meant. When I felt the life draining from him I could feel myself changing, morphing into someone I didn't recognise. A part of me dying with him and it terrified me. I saved him to save myself. If he wasn't my heartbond, would I have let him die? I wiped the tears that continuously fell and paused to take in my surroundings. I had walked into the busy city streets. Fae around me all walking at different speeds talking in different volumes of conversation. Stalls lined one side of the street, fae selling various foods and other homely goods. Children played in the street some of which produced tiny animals made of light that chased each other until they lost their light and disappeared into dust. All these people are happy. All these peoples lives are in my hands. It's my responsibility now to protect them. The world around me became too loud and started spinning. I need quiet. I need peace. Without thinking I risked the consequences of using my magic and I jumped to the only place that has ever brought me peace, one now tainted with the memory of Azra. I jumped to the willows.

I was surprised it actually worked, I landed in the willows with albeit a slightly rocky entrance for someone who has jumped a million times before. The soft ground and earthy smell so familiar to me was like being at home. I strolled between the willow trees, pulling my hood back now that I knew I wouldn't run into anyone other than the willow wyms here.

"Hello Aurora...Aurora....Aurora!" Tiny familiar voices called my name. Willow wyms flew down from the trees to greet me. Their tiny limbs waving excitedly as they bobbed in the air around me. Their wings flapping so fast they produced a buzzing noise. Their presence brought a smile to my face. These ancient creatures that still had their innocence  despite the many centuries they have lived. I slumped against a tree closing my eyes, soaking up the last of today's sun, a cool breeze brushing my cheeks. This place has always brought me peace.

"Auroras heart is sad....We wyms must make her happy again!...yes yes Aurora must be happy again..."

The smile remained on my lips. I opened my eyes to Willow wyms perched in the trees and bobbing in the grass around me. Their tiny delicate frames added to the innocence of this place. The only fae that I've never been weary of.

"Don't suppose you guys know how I can control my fathers magic do you?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the unrealistic question and to my surprise they answered.

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