Part 1

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I've been in a MHA lot more than usual recently, so I decided to take it out by making a list of fan-made quirks I came up with on my own. Some of these ideas are far-fetched, so be aware of that since most of these were inspired by other video game characters and items. Feel free to use any of these Quirks for your OC's, and I'm also not gonna bother editing any this because it's too long and I'm lazy. So if you see any spelling mistakes then that's my bad lol. If you have any questions then let me know, but I hope you enjoy!

Current Number of Quirks: 558


Transformation Quirks;

Transformation type Quirks are abilities that cause the user to take on a temporary alteration of some kind.

2D: The quirk user converts their entire body into a graffiti-like state that allows them to walk on flat surfaces.

8-Bit: The user can morph parts of their body into pixels to form into any shape possible and warp short distances by converting their whole body into pixels.

Adaptability: The quirk user can change forms and use quirks from others by using a scanner in their eye to gain access to their quirk.

Aegis: The user can fuse their arms or legs together to form a sword to cut through objects.

Alumigami: The user can change their body into a form made of light metallic sheets and can shift their shape and layout.

Anchor: The quirk user can transform their limbs into vine-like appendages tipped with spiky disks and use them for attacking or climbing.

Anemone: The user can transform their fingers into stretchy tentacles that can emit electric shocks.

Animorphing: The quirk user can tap into their memories to shapeshift into any animal they have seen in action.

Arachne Form: The user can transform into an arachne and gain it's abilities including silk generation and wall-climbing.

Ball Body: The quirk user can turn their entire body into a ball and roll by spinning and can manipulate their own density.

Bandage: The user turns their fingers into bandages and can extend them to reach higher places or restrain enemies.

Blaze: The quirk user can ignite themself within flames and can fly before detonating themself by command or by crashing.

Body Shifting: The quirk user can manipulate the molecular structure of their body and shapeshift into many forms including objects and weapons.

Bumper: The user can turn their hands into pinball bumpers and bounce away anything that touches it.

Burn Body: The quirk user can burst their body into flames and use their body as ammuntition to shoot firey projectiles.

Cannonball: The user can morph their hand into a cannon and can launch cannonballs.

Chimera: From a touch of a live animal, the quirk user can gain multiple abilities of that animal and can stack them with others.

Clamp: The quirk user can transform their hands into metallic vice clamp-like pincers and destroy most material.

Coil Body: The user can turn their parts of their body into springs and can bounce high, stretch out their arms, or tank hits more easily.

Cone Drill: The user can turn into a yellow cone drill-like form to burrow and dig underground at remarkable high speeds.

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