Chapter 1

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Hey, Eve6262 here. This is a join story with SpiteFairyx. Don't know how she's going to write, but I hope I don't get handed something impossible. I'll be writing the first chapter. I'm going to be doing paragraph style in either Saya, Ciel, or Sebastian's POV, depending on my mood. There also might be some POV changes, so....yeah!


Saya's POV

"Saya. You know what you must do. Go defeat the monster." I held the sword above my head, then looked at my father. He nodded, and I rose, then walked out of the building. Instead of going out from the entrance, I walked out the side, not bothering to bow. I roamed the forest, looking for one of the monsters that terrorized the town. Today was the same as any other day. I would go and find the monster, defeat it without too much trouble, then head back and get ready for the next day, or a following ceremony. Although the townsfolk saw me as a normal girl, albeit a very clumsy one, I wasn't just that. I was its secret protector, a guardian of the shadows.

I spotted a small clearing. Upon entering it, I noticed a large, floating stone statue. Knowing this was a monster akin to that I sometimes fought in the pool, I walked forward a bit and unsheathed my katana. I brought it to a fighting position and spoke the words I sometimes had to, waking the statue up. It immediately dashed towards me. I slashed at it. It sidestepped and took out an arm, along with a blade. Although I had fought things that looked like this before, I could now tell that this wasn't the case. They'd never take out extra arms or such until necessary. I held my katana. It held its longsword out. We circled around each other, until finally my patience broke. I lunged. It easily dodged and hit me in the back. My katana went flying, and me along with it. I landed, and it flew a couple feet away. The monster had somehow gotten to behind me.

I tried getting up, but soon stopped, sensing the monster's blade behind my back. Wishing I had not been so impatient, I calculated the situation, until ultimately decided that I could not have a definite escape route until I knew what the beast would do. And I have a feeling it won't take pity on its attacker. Although I have had times that it gave me an unintentional chance, which could change my chances. However, seeing as it isn't like the others, I don't think it will give me that chance. It seems much more...intelligent.

Suddenly, I heard it fall backwards. The sword came back from my back, which made me instantly made me race and get to my sword, which I didn't expect. I quickly turned around to see a tall, pale man with sleek, black hair holding a small boy with blue hair and and eye patch in front of me. The man looked like the boy's butler, seeing as he had an expensive-looking tailcoat, as well as that the boy looked like a noble, judging by his clothing and ring. Something like a blue diamond doesn't get it way to just anyone. However, they could be friend or foe. My eyes turned red, and I became my demon self. As soon as I did, I remembered the man.

My brother, Sebastian, was the butler grinning in front of me. And the boy, Ciel...I'd assume he was Sebastian's contract person. I can see why he'd pick the boy, as well. Such a delectable soul. But that did not concern me, seeing as I wasn't able to eat souls. Although I am his sister, I am somewhat human, and therefore am not able to eat souls. My human self would kill me, along with her in the process, resulting only in death. Not only that, I would protect the humans so vigorously just to kill them myself? It makes no sense, unless you are a monster yourself. Or, a complete and utter strategist. Which I can sense from the boy...perhaps that is why Sebastian is fine with being a butler?

He moved forward a bit. "Hello, sister Saya. How long has it been?" He asked, tilting his head. I smirked. "Quite a while, I assure you. How are you?" I asked. "Fine. You don't seem so well, however. Getting rusty?" I tusked and tilted my head toward my shoulder, holding one finger around where my chin would be, had I been turning straight. "My, my. Don't take me for someone or something I'm not. That was simply my human side having for itself." I said. I opened my eyes and smirked at him. He smirked. "Oh my. Should you not control it?" He asked, thinking he just gave himself the upper hand. I smirked and put my hands on my hips and tilted forward, a move that always got him. "But you know I cannot, brother~!" I said, giving him what I called a kitty face. He shook his head.

"You always know how to get me. You win, sister." He said. I smiled triumphantly, then turned to my normal self. "Of course!" I said, giving him a smile. He smirked, his only real smile, since his smile looks like a smirk, and went back to his master. "Of course. I have never asked your name, my lord." I said, smirking and curtsying. He tusked. "Like brother, like sister, I suppose. I am the Earl Phantomhive, Ciel Phantomhive. Know it well." I stood up. "Of course." He turned around. "Sebastian, I know you want to have your little reunion, but we're going." Sebastian nodded curtly. "Of course, my lord." He gave me a smile before leaving that could only mean one thing. We were meeting again. I also happened to see a smile he gave the Earl. Although the young boy couldn't see it, I could.

My brother, Sebastian, liked Ciel Phantomhive, an Earl, and his master.

I could see it in his eyes. The only one he looked at with that affection is me. Oh, and cats. But they don't count. Cats are something he absolutely adores, despite his being a raven. Ravens are eaten by cats, which is why I don't always understand his love for cats. Though they are cute. Anyways, he looked at Ciel with that loving look. Ciel looked at him for a second, and I swore I could see love in his eyes for split second as well. But then he just turned forward and kept walking. Sebastian kept the same gaze he'd had, though to anyone else, it was a smirk and a butler keeping an eye on his master.

I walked home and told Father of the creature I'd encountered, not mentioning my brother.


I don't know...TERRA DONT KILL MEH

But seriously, did you expect Eve long chapters?'s actually about half that long. Not lying. Maybe....Secret Love long?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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