Guild sleepover

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The end gets a lil spicy 🤭 i mean lil btw

It's well known that Natsu and Happy basically live with Lucy, they even keep their clothing and toothbrushes there. This annoys Lucy to no end because it means she gets stuck with cleaning after them. Fed up she gave the two their own designated drawers to keep their clothes and other items (fish). Natsu and Happy don't pay attention to their own drawers.

"NATSU! Quit putting your underwear in my drawer!!" Happy snickered at Lucy's distress while gnawing on a fish bone. Natsu merely cast her a quick glance before sitting down on the bed "Your underwear is in there, so what's wrong with it?" Lucy's face burst into a bright red, steam slowly flowing from her ears. "THAT IS SO NOT THE POINT!" She yelled hitting the dragon slayer with a pair of his boxers until he, and Happy, fled out the window. Rolling her eyes, she closed the window and walked back over to her dresser, she looked at herself in the mirror and slapped her cheeks to get her blush under control. She sighed and smiled softly, tonight the guild was having a sleepover in the main hall and she was determined to have the best time possible at her first official sleepover. She unzipped her bag and opened the drawer again to grab underwear only to realize Natsu's underwear was still in there. She blushed and grabbed the first thing of her underwear she saw and threw it into the bag. With a harsh push she slammed the drawer shut and rushed to her closet to grab a shirt, again without looking she grabbed the first shirt she saw and stuffed it into her bag.

It only took Lucy a few minutes to realize that Natsu and Happy left their clothes on her bed. "I bet they're looking for them right now" She giggled. Shaking her head she grabbed all of their bags, quickly glanced at the clock and decided she wouldn't be too late. Opening the door she slipped on a pair of her sandals, closed the door and continued walking down the street. "Lushhieee!" An annoyingly familiar voice called from behind her. "Yes, Happy?" The blue cat landed on her head with a giggle. "Natsu just remembered we left our bag on your bed but you already left." Lucy sighed, glancing behind her. The salmon-haired male trailed not too far behind them with a sheepish smile. Rolling her eyes she smiled at the two's antics. "Come on, let's hurry and get into the guild, it's already eight o'clock." Happy nodded and flew to the guild doors, Natsu chased after him and rammed into the door, effectively busting in and falling on the floor.

The guild burst into laughter at their clumsy dragon slayer, ignoring his yelps of protest. Once everyone settled and Lucy walked inside Mira called for their attention. "Now that we're all here we'll start changing, girls will change in the room to my left and boys the room to my right." Everyone nodded in agreement and went into their respective changing room. "Hey Lu wanna change near me Kana, Wendy, and Mira?" The small blue-haired asked her friend. "Sure!" Mira smiled at the two while opening her bag, the other three following suit. Lucy's smile quickly dropped when she saw her clothes, a red hot blush creeping onto her face. "Crappp I grabbed the wrong clothes.." she muttered quietly. Wendy tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean Lucy?" Quickly realizing she was heard she laughed and brushed it off saying she thought she had grabbed different clothes. Slowly and shaming fully she stripped completely and grabbed the gray shirt with a large lighter gray dragon printed on the front. Kana burst out laughing along with Levy and Mira. Lucy blushed harder and quickly slipped on the shirt. Reaching into her bag again she pulled out a pair of flamed printed boxers, her head hung in shame as she pulled them on.

Lucy was the last person left in the changing room. There was no way she was coming out. Over her dead body would she be in front of her guild mates like this. Mira seemed to realize this once everyone started laying and sitting down. "Hey Erza?" Instead of only catching the girl's attention like she had hoped, everyone quieted and looked over at the two women. "Lucy won't come out of the changing room, could you go get her?" Erza gave her a curt nod and walked into the changing room. Loud and muffled yelps alerted the guild to Erza's mercilessness as they stared at the door to the changing room. Lucy was thrown over Erza's shoulder and dragged out kicking and screaming. Erza walked to the middle of the guild and dropped Lucy onto the ground. "So that's where that shirt went." Natsu said, scratching his chin. "Hey! This is theft, gimme my clothes back!" He whined crouching onto the floor and pulling at the boxers. Lucy's eyes snapped over to look at him "SHUT UP! YOUR THE ONE WHO PUT YOUR CLOTHES IN SOMEONE ELSES CLOSET!!" Natsu winced and rubbed his ear fake crying, muttering how mean she was. With a huff Lucy stood up and crossed her arms. The guild burst into laughter finally seeing her full outfit.

"Nice flames bunny girl." "Natsu you dirty bastard! Look at you gettin the lady's!" "Didn't know you were a dragon fan Lucy!" A tick mark formed on Lucy's cheek as she clenched her fists. Natsu snickered, standing back up to grab Lucy's arm and drag her to the wall of the guild where a large hammock hung off the pillars. Lucy looked at him questioningly while he shifted to stand behind her. "Natsu what are yo-" she stiffened when he grabbed her hips and lifted her up to the hammock, the guild too busy laughing to realize. She crawled into the hammock and turned around to see Natsu grinning at her. "We'll sleep up here, Kay!" He said it as more of a statement than a question. Lucy sighed and nodded, Natsu must've realized how tired she was after using all of her strength to get out of Erza's hold, she had almost succeeded too! But Erza whispered a threat to her and placed her down so she gave up. Letting herself fall back she looked around for Happy only to see him next to Wendy with a blanket. She giggled and laid her head back down, basking in the happiness and warmth of the guild.

A few hours later everyone was fast asleep, except Erza, Natsu, and Gray. "We should head to sleep now." Erza said while stretching her arms. Natsu and Gray nodded while standing up. "Night Erza" Natsu called while walking back over to the hammock, quietly crawling into it and snaking his left arm under Lucy's head. "I know yer' awake Luce" he whispered, poking her shoulder with his free hand. Lucy giggled quietly and pressed herself against his chest. An imaginary lightbulb popped above Natsu's head and he smirked. Casually, he rested his hand on Lucy's waist. A quiet 'goodnight' came from Lucy as she tried to move her hair from her face. She froze when she felt his hand slowly creeping down her hip and moving to cup in between her thighs. "N-natsu- what are you doing.." Her question was answered in silence as he grabbed her thigh and pulled it over his legs. She muffled a squeak by shoving her bright red face into a pillow. He chuckled, pulling the oversized shirts back collar down. "There it is.." he whispered against her skin, licking the red mark in the shape of a flame. Lucy shivered and turned to glare at Natsu only to find him fast asleep. She rolled her eyes, laid back down and fell asleep.

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