|Chapter 1: The interview|

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Aaron's POV:

Monday, January 24th, 2022.


Aaron's POV:

We had just come home from my father's funeral, and it'd gotten pretty late. After I made sure my son was asleep, I changed into more suitable clothes for work and headed back out the door. The car ride there seemed quick. It was only a half-hour drive, but I guess the more you think, the faster time passes by.

I stepped out of the car and opened the two big glass doors. I went to my office since I had an interview with someone later. Tonight was busier than ever, I got a lot of 'I'm sorry for your loss' and 'I hope your family is holding up alright.' On the way there. The typical stuff you'd get after your father or anyone in your family had just died.


After a while of waiting, my friend and co-worker Vivaan let in a red-headed man who was slightly shorter than me. 'Hello, you must be Caiden, yes?' I said, giving him a smile. 'Yeah.' He replied sweetly as he sat down in front of me and set his bag down on the floor next to him. 'So, is there a specific role you're looking for, or are you just willing to do whatever's free??' I asked him.

'No, I'm not really looking for anything specific right now.' He answered, looking at me nervously. 'Hey, you're doing great. You don't have to be nervous.' I reassured the smaller man. His expression softened as he nodded. 'I'm just going to give you this sheet to fill in. This determines whether you get the job or not.' I continued, setting the piece of paper and a pen in front of him.

After a few minutes, he gave me back the paper I asked him to fill out. I quickly analysed his answers, and I was pretty impressed, to say the least. He seemed perfect for most of the jobs here. I ticked the 'approved' box and signalled him to give me his hand so I could give it to him. He looked strangely happy about it, I don't think I've ever seen anyone more eager to work here than he was.

'Before you leave, I need you to sign just one more thing for me.' I said, smiling at him again. 'Sure, what is it?' He replied. 'Just a contract.' I told him as I picked one up from my drawer and gave him it. He nodded and put down his signature swiftly before giving it back to me. I temporarily put it on the tabe, and I got up to let him out of the small office.

'I'll come back to you when we have an official start date for you.' I said as I opened the door for him. 'Thanks, sir.' He replied softly as he smiled at me and left. I closed the door once he was out of sight and walked over to my desk. I put the papers he signed in separate file cabinets and then went back to my chair.

I put in my airpods and just kind of sat there while I listened to some music and looked through my socials. I leaned over to see my phone better, not remembering my chest pains, which made me feel a shooting pain throughout my entire torso. 'Fuck!' I whisper-yelled to myself, my tone laced with both pain and frustration.

My office started to seem depressing, so I got up and decided to go to the staff room, which was luckily a couple doors down. I walked into the staff room and went up to my friend Alexis. 'Hey, what's up Aaron.' He said as he stood up gave me a one-armed hug. 'Nothing much, just tired. What about you??' I replied in a weary voice.

'I'm doing pretty good.' He answered while he let go and sat back down. I sat down in the chair opposite from where he was sitting and got comfortable. 'I'm going for a nap.' I said tiredly. 'I swear Aaron, you spend most of your time napping nowadays.' My uncle Matt responded jokingly. 'Haha, very- You know what? I can't be bothered thinking of an insult.' I replied, slowly dozing off.

'Wake up sleepy bitch, it's closing time.' Alexis said quietly whilst slightly tickling my sides. 'Oi! Just because I'm more emotional than usual doesn't mean I won't slap you upside the head.' I said, my voice raspy and eyelids still a tad bit heavy. 'Whatever you say dumbass.' He said jokingly. 'Thank you, other dumbass.' I replied returning that hug from earlier.

My shift ended around 3:30.AM, I walked out and got in the car. The drive home was a bit longer, and I was alright with that. When I got home, all I remember was sitting on the sofa, I must've passed out due to exhaustion.

A/N: That's the end of this chapter, I'll see you all in the next one.

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