Chapter 1

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Aria's POV

"Ezra, can you please take mine and Brooklyn's bags inside please?" I asked my boyfriend as I lift my sleeping 4 year old daughter Brooklyn, onto my hip.

He nods when he sees me carrying Brooklyn. "Of course I can babe." He smiles.

I shift Brooklyn a bit so I'm more comfortable and walk up the steps to Ezra's apartment.

We just got back from California, it was a small vacation for us. We are staying in Ezra's apartment until we can find an apartment which is slightly bigger.

I find my keys and unlock Apartment 3B. I walk inside and place Brooklyn in the middle of the bed.

She yawns slightly then turns onto her side. I smile at her, as she sleeps. I think she's the most beautiful person in the world.

I'll start from the beginning shall I?

So, I graduated Rosewood High 5 years ago. That summer, I got pregnant. Me and Ezra were thrilled and so we all the girls. My mom and dad were shocked but supportive and they love Brooklyn to bits.

When she was born, on April 16th, Ezra, my mom and Spencer were in the room with me. When I gave birth, and held her, I just cried at how stunning and beautiful and perfect my baby girl was.

Ezra and I named her Brooklyn Ella Fitz. My mom was pleased with her middle name!

The first months of Brooklyn's life were spent at my moms house, in my bedroom. Ezra and I in my bed and Brooklyn beside us in her white crib.

Then, we moved into Ezra's apartment as we felt that me, Ezra and Brooklyn needed space. However, we are currently looking for an apartment as Brooklyn is 4 and can't sleep in the same bed as us anymore.

Every morning, Ezra would get up and leave to go to work (At Rosewood High) and me and Brooklyn would stay at home and I would do some more school work in preparation for college.

Four years have passed and Brooklyn is an extremely healthy and positive little girl. I love the way her personality is because of the way Ezra and I have raised her. She is now four years old, nearly 5 as today is April 2nd.

And tomorrow we are going to my moms house for family lunch with me, Ezra, Brooklyn, my mom, dad, Mike, Hanna, Caleb, Spencer, Toby, Emily and Alison.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Ezra asked me as her walked through the apartment door with bags in his hand. He put them down by the couch and I walked over to him.

"Just looking at how beautiful our baby girl is." I replied, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"She sure is! Brooklyn's perfect!" He said, smiling proudly as he looked over to her.

"I love you." I said to him simply but with loads of meaning.

"I love you too, Aria." He replied, kissing my nose.

He grabbed my hand and lead me towards Brooklyn. "Let's get some sleep, we have that big lunch tomorrow!" Ezra said as he takes off his shirt, shoes and socks. He lies down next to Brooklyn on the side closest the wall.

I walk over to the bathroom, close the door and change my clothes so I'm wearing pyjamas.

When I walk back out, I smile at the two loves of my life.

Before I lie down, I lean across Brooklyn carefully, and kiss Ezra's cheek, as he's turned the other way. "Goodnight Ezra."

He turns his head and gives me a kiss on the lips. "Goodnight Aria."

I then lean back and kiss my daughters cheek. "Goodnight baby, I love you." I whisper softly. Ezra then turns around and kisses Brooklyn's cheek too.

"Goodnight baby girl, I love you." He whispers to her.

I look at him and smile, before laying down and instantly falling asleep when my head hits the pillow.

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