Letter One

991 51 15

Dear Marco,

I watched that Dortmund game today, your favorite team, they beat Frankfurt four-nil. I always found it weird that they were your star team, and you managed to survive here in Münich surrounded by Bayern fans. I always preferred Bayern over Dortmund, and that was one of the things we constantly disagreed with growing up together.

You always talked about how you wanted to play professional with Mario, but just like me, he liked Bayern better than Dortmund. I am thinking that is the reason you left me here, but why didn't Mario leave me too then? He always seems to remind me of you when he comes around. Recently he has been talking to me about playing for a German team, and he hopes it is Bayern. I wish him the best of luck, and I will always cheer for him, because I know if you were here, you would scream your heart out for him when he scores. Plus, he is obviously going to play for Bayern. His skills are magical, and I can not wait until I can say I was one of his first fans, you and his mother will always be the first ones.

I want that for you too Marco. I do not think you can play if you just leave, you would miss too many practices, and your coach would be infuriated with you. Hopefully one day you will get to play with your favorite coach, but you always seemed to switch between Pep Guardiola and Carlo Ancelotti, so I would not know which team you would play for.

Come back Marco. I need you here, I need you to achieve your dreams here.



I could not wait to update, so here you go. Hope you like the chapter, and I will see you in June!

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