Josh Miller

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"None of this even matters anymore..."


Full name: Joshua Miller

Reason / Meaning of name: Biblical character

Nickname: Joshy

Reason for nickname: He would always pronounce his name that way when he was young


Age: 16.5

Date of birth: July 1, 2005

Star sign: Cancer 

How old they appear: 16

Sexuality: Straight

Gender identity: He/him


Weight: Underweight

Height: Average

Shape of face: Heart

Eye color: Brown

Eyesight: Average

Skin tone: Light

Distinguishing marks: None

Hair color: Fiery red

Type of hair: Thick

Hair style: Wavy

Voice: Quiet and sometimes unclear

Right/Left handed: Left handed

Disabilities: None

Body posture: Slightly slouched

Usual accessories: Black watch


Good personality traits: Independent, passionate, empathetic, original, charismatic

Bad personality traits: Cynical, self-isolating, conflict-averse, idealistic,  self-critical

Mood most often in: Down/depressed yet ignoring his emotions

Sense of humor: Cynical

Greatest joy in life: Playing an acoustic guitar

Greatest fear: Loosing his best friend

Most calm when: On his own with music playing in the background

Most restless when: He can't sleep

Angry when: Someone messes with someone he loves

Sad when: He feels fully alone

Motto: School kills artists

Strengths: Creative and insightful

Weaknesses: Self-isolating and prone to burnout

Mental health: Depression, suicidality


Motivated by: Friendship

Biggest achievement: Mastering the electric guitar

Goals: Join/Start a band


Hobbies: Playing guitar (electric, acoustic when he needs to unwind), songwriting, making paper airplanes

Spending habits: Rarely spends money

Bad habits (e.g. drinking, smoking, drugs): Drinks at times

What do they do too much of: Shred on the electric guitar

Too little of: Sleep

Skilled at: Singing

Unskilled at: Bike riding

Nervous tics: None


Optimistic/Pessimistic: Overall pessimist

Introvert/Extrovert: Overall introvert

Daredevil/Cautious: Equally both

Logical/Emotional: Overall emotional

Personality type: Mediator (INFP)

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