Chapter 1

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Philadelphia - Bellevue-Stratford Hotel bar

"I know that I'd said I was fine with two children," I told Joe. "But I want to have another." Joe's eyes widened with surprise—we had always agreed that two children were enough for our family.

He grabbed my hand from across the table, "Honey, how long have you been thinking about this?"

"Truthfully, a few months. When Val got pregnant again—I just started thinking about how much I love you and the boys and how a baby just brings everyone together." She paused, "If we had a baby together would he have your smile or would she have my eyes?" She hesitated, "I don't know. It's silly—just forget about it." Jill sipped her Cabernet and looked out the window at the crowds of people passing by.

Stunned, Joe sat there for a moment. He looked at how beautiful she was. She had healed him and made their family whole again. How could he deny her the one thing she wanted? He got up and moved to sit next to her. "Jilly, I'm not going to pretend you didn't just shock the hell out of me. You always said our family was perfect as is."

"Our family is perfect. I just—I just got baby fever being around our nephew. Seriously, let's just head home." She looked at Joe and smiled.

As they arrived home, Joe shut off the car and leaned over to whisper in Jill's ear. "I'm not going to forget about our conversation. I just need some time to adjust to the idea of a Baby Biden running around. Honey, I'm not saying no. I just need some time to think about it."

Jill turned to face him. "I know it's a life-changing decision for our family. Take your time. I love you." She kissed him softly on the lips eliciting a moan from Joe. She quietly whispered, "Maybe I can persuade you in a different way." Her hand slid down his chest and unbuttoned his pants. She gently massaged him through his boxers before leaning over and taking him in her warm mouth. Joe leaned back and watched as Jill worked her magic. He cursed as his hands came around to grip the back of her head, his fingers curling into her hair helping to set the pace. She savored the taste of him and took her time exploring. He repeated her name and jerked with every stroke of her tongue until she took him fully in and sucked hard. He bucked his hips exploding into her mouth. She lifted her head and looked at him smiling as she wiped the corners of her mouth.

Joe met her gaze."Jilly, you don't play fair."

Two days later, Jill was already in bed when Joe arrived home from Washington. Joe quietly came in and stripped off his clothes before climbing into bed next to her. She rolled over and kissed his hairy chest as she draped her arm over him snuggling into him. He kissed the top of her head. "Sorry if I woke you. We had a late vote and then the train was delayed. But the wait did give me some time to seriously consider your proposal."

She nervously twisted his chest hair around her fingers afraid to hear his answer. She looked up, "What did you decide?"

To be continued...

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