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soojin followed ten into his house, where kun was already dropping their bags near the stairs until ten told them where they'd be staying

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soojin followed ten into his house, where kun was already dropping their bags near the stairs until ten told them where they'd be staying.

there was a boy sitting at a round table in front of a wall of windows that overlooked the backyard. he was holding a cup to his lips, hand frozen in the raised position as he stared at the two surprise guests.

"oh, guys i forgot, this is my roommate." ten announced, making his way towards the boy to ruffle his hair and fix his slightly crooked glasses. "jeno, this is my friend kun and his girlfriend soojin."

the boy, jeno, placed his cup on the table and warily glanced at the man behind him before smiling at the two guests. "hi. i'm jeno."

soojin noticed how shy his voice sounded and how his finger tapped the side of his mug at an astronomical rate; probably nerves.

he must have noticed her staring because his hand began to slow and his smile became more genuine. "sorry, i get nervous around new people. all we do is drink tea and take care of our cats. embarrassing."

"it's not embarrassing," ten quickly defended, his hand remaining gently on the boy's shoulder. they seemed to have a silent conversation because when jeno nodded, the older faced soojin with a grin. "we're recovering addicts! the boring life is the best we can afford."

jeno gave ten's hand a pat, "and it's nice."

as much as soojin wanted to get to know the boys she quickly grew fond of, she was too tired from the trip to do anything other than sleep. excusing herself, the girl lugged her bag halfway up the steps before kun gave in and carried it the rest of the way.

he gave her a quick peck on the head as he passed, chuckling like a child to be "in the lead". soojin decided to smack his bum in relation, and soon they were in the guest room.

"i win." kun boasted playfully as he sat on the edge of the bed, his girlfriend practically falling on top of him and curling herself up in his lap. "fine. you win." she hummed back lazily.

closing her eyes, sleep overcame soojin before she could utter another word.

she woke in the bed, covered in blankets wrapped around her body. soojin smiled, knowing her boyfriend had been the one to tuck her in. when she checked the time, the girl flung forward with a shocked expression. "10 am!? i slept through the night?!"

shaking herself awake, the ravenette hurriedly tossed on a pair of shorts and a large t-shirt before stepping out into the hallway. she did a quick scan of the upstairs after finding no sign of kun.

trotting down the steps, soojin peeked her head around the stairwell to see only jeno at the table with a new coffee mug in front of him. unlike the one from yesterday, this was shaped like a cat and painted calico. it made her smile as she hopped down the rest of the way and into the kitchen, grabbing the younger's attention rather quickly.

"good morning," he greeted in a soft, tired voice, and soojin immediately repeated it. jeno gestured for her to take a seat, and she did after filling her own mug with coffee.

"how did you sleep?" he asked, scrunching his nose to move his glasses further up on his face. the girl mentally cooed at the cute action and nodded. "great. i didn't mean to sleep that long."

jeno's eyes widened at the confession and he placed his cup flat on the table. "you mean you've been sleeping since you got here? you must be starving!"

before soojin could say anything, the boy was on his feet and searching the fridge for some food his guest could eat. closing the door empty-handed, jeno pulled his shoulders back and turned towards the girl with a sheepish grin. "wanna order in? i think your boyfriend went to help ten run some errands."

soojin nodded, a genuine smile taking up her entire face. "sounds perfect."

•jeno <3

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jeno <3

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