dare 1

765 8 1

Me appearing on the Nemesis and reading the dare: This is going to be great. 

Starscream walking by completely unaware of me being there. 

Me: Hey Screamer, I have a dare for you. 

Starscream: First don't call me screamer, second what is a dare? 

Me: That is something that someone else asks you to do, but you have to do it.

Starscream: What is the dare then? 

Me: Cricketluver has dared you to make Megatron walk to plank off of the flight deck of the Nemesis. 

Starscream: No way! Megatron will kill me, else I would have done it. 

Me: I will be right back 

After teleporting to Megatron 

Me: Hey Buckethead, Cricketluver has dared you to not beat up Starscream. 

Megatron: Don't call me Buckethead! What is a dare? 

Me: A dare is something someone else tells you to do, but you cannot escape it you have to do it. 

Megatron: Fine, just for a hour. 

Me: Alright. 

After teleporting back to Starscream

Me: Megatron has agreed not to harm you for a hour because of a dare. 

Starscream smirked and said: Let's do it then. 

Starscream: Megatron! Can you come to the flight deck. 

Me: You know you have a comm-link right.

Starscream a bit emberrased: Oops I forgot. 

On the flight deck

Megatron: What is it Starscream? 

Starscream: I have a dare that says you have to walk over a plank of the Nemesis. 

Megatron: Alright what are we waiting for then. 

Starscream prepares the plank and Megatron jumps of, transforms and lands back on the Nemesis. 

Megatron: You do realize that I transform into a cybertronian jet right? 

Starscream and me: No, we forgot. 

Me: Well, I hope you enjoyed and keep daring. 

Starscream: No, don't do it!. 

Me: Bye, I gotta run. Megatron and Starscream are really angry. 

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