dare 2

572 9 2

Me still hiding and seeing the dare smirking: This will be fun. 

After telerporting to Megatron. 

Me: Megs, you have a dare. 

Megatron: I would say don't call me that, but I don't think you would listen. Also what is it? 

Me: KnockoutsHumanPet has dared you to save Optimus Prime from certain death. 

Megatron: No! Absolutely not. 

Me: If you don't do it, I shall lock you up and let you watch as Starscream is in charge. 

Megatron: Fine, i'll do it. But how? Prime is never in danger. 

Me: Don't worry, i will take care of that. 

After telerporting to the Autobot base. 

Ratchet: Who are you? 

Me: Your worst nightmare, I need Optimus for a bit where is he? 

Ratchet: In his room. 

Me: Thanks, Ratch. 

Ratchet: Don't call me that. 

After walking to Optimus' room and knocking. 

Optimus: Come in. 

Me: Megatron has a dare, he needs to save you from certain death. 

Optimus: Sure, what do I have to do? 

Me: Jump of a mountain, then he has to save you. 

Optimus: Sure, let's go. 

After groundbridging to the mountain. 

Me: Megatron you can come he is ready. 

Megatron: I am already here, also you said my name. 

Me: small mistake Megs. 

Megatron: just jump already Optimus. 

After Optimus jumping Megatron jumps after him and catches him in his alt-mode. After landing safely Optimus bridges back to his base, while Megatron comes to me and says: 

This was acctually pretty fun, especially when he thought that I was going to let him fall. Keep daring reader. 

Me: And have a nice day. 

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