Chapter Thirty Two "Peaceful Moment"

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[25th June 2020, Friday]
{9:05 p.m.}

"H-Hold on!" Joocie hold up his right hand shakily to stop his friend from explaining. "So, basically you are telling me that I-I'm..." He took a deep breath. "T-That I'm... d-dead...?" He finished with a shaky sigh, making eye contact with his friend.

Socks nodded in response. "T-Then how am I here?! Shouldn't I been in heaven or something?! H-How could you even see me or even talk to me if I'm dead right now?!" Joocie started asking lots of questions.

"It's called logic, deal with it."

"You know what nevermind-! If a psycho spirit is already trying to kill us, anything is possible now." Joocie deadpanned as Socks nodded in agreement.

"By the way-" Socks thought for a moment. "Have you see the others?" He questioned with hope.

"The others? I saw them went to the direction of the beach. Didn't you heard that loud scream that sounds exactly like Meme just now?" Joocie stated.

"First of all, that scream is definitely 100% belong to Meme. Second, I meant Laff, Tbh and the others."

"...Socks... you know they're... dead... right?"

"Ya but you're dead and you're standing right in front of me right now." Socks deadpanned.

"What do you.... Oh...OHH-!" Joocie exclaimed.

"Exactly what I meant." Socks stated.

Joocie stayed silent for a moment, staring at Socks. "Wait a second... you knew Laff and the others weren't really dead all this time?!" He exclaimed in shock, glaring at the orange spaceman.

"No, they're dead. Just in a ghost form or something else..." Socks explained blankly.


"Just answer the damn question then!"

"I literally died few minutes ago and became whatever this is-" Joocie pointed to himself. "And the first thing I met after I woke up was you! So how am I supposed to know where they are?!" He stated loudly, folding his arms at Socks.

"Fair point..." Socks commented.

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

"...Should we go check on the others? I meant Meme, Blaza and Woolf. That scream could meant that something bad happened..." Joocie suggested.

"But Meme screamed all the time."

Joocie blinked his eyes for a moment. "True... but I think we should still go check on them... since uh a murderer that you knew is coming to kill us right now on this island-" He spoke it very quickly.

"You're right- Let's go then!" Socks stated, quickly running towards the beach with Joocie behind him.

'Find the crystal...'

Socks bit his lips as he ignored the voice again.

[25th June 2020, Friday]
{9:10 p.m.}

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