pumpkin spice punch | taehyun x reader

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PAIRING | taehyun x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | kang taehyun, choi yeonjun, (mentioned), choi beomgyu (mentioned), lee chaeryeong, shin ryujin, hwang yeji
WC | 3.6k
GENRE | fluff, slight angst
WARNINGS | explicit language, alcohol consumption, partying, sexual harassment, attempted drugging
SYNOPSIS | taehyun wasn't a fan of parties, but after seeing your face light up upon receiving an invitation from your friend, he grudgingly agrees to come with you. and when something goes wrong, he jumps to your rescue to make sure that you have the best halloween of your life, no matter what.

Taehyun wasn't normally a fan of parties, especially the loud ones that your friends tended to throw

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Taehyun wasn't normally a fan of parties, especially the loud ones that your friends tended to throw. They were full of loud people, drinking, and bright flashing lights that always gave him a headache. But it was Halloween, and he never came to parties with you. He couldn't say no to your puppy dog eyes, he practically melted at the sight. "Taehyun, please come!" you begged, tugging on his hoodie sleeve, "just this once, it'll be so much fun! I'm pretty sure Yeonjun and Beomgyu will be there too!"

"Knowing that they'll be there makes me not want to go," he said teasingly.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah right, you love them."

"Not as much as I love you," he said sweetly, making you scowl.

"Stop sucking up to me," you whined, "if you're being all sweet that means you're feeling sorry, and I bet you're feeling sorry because you'll say no to the party."

"No, I'll come," Taehyun said, patting your head, "just this once. It's Halloween after all."

"I would've thought you'd be content sitting on the couch all night and watching some odd horror movie," you said, raising your eyebrows, "you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"I really do want to come," Taehyun said simply, "one party every once in a while won't kill me."

"Really?" you asked, starting to get excited again. "I can't wait! What are you going to wear?"

"This?" he motioned to his casual outfit.

"It's a costume party, Tae," you said, "if you show up in that, Ryujin will kill you."

"Do you have a costume yet?" he asked, cursing Ryujin in his mind.

"I was going to go the simple route and just put on some bunny ears and call it a day," you said, somewhat sheepishly. "You can't go wrong with that."

"Why can't I just do something like that?" he asked pointedly.

"I have an extra pair of cat ears, if you want them," you said.


"Aww, my little cat boy," you cooed, pulling on his cheeks.

"Stop," he whined, "it's just a costume."

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