Blessed With A Curse

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Jasey’s POV.

   “Oliver stop!” I shouted at my best friend as he chased me around the beach that happened to be my back yard. I ran away from his wet body laughing. I suddenly felt myself falling and two arms wrap around my waist. The air was knocked out of my lungs as Oli fell on top of me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes admiring how the setting sun made them pop out more. I saw his eyes flicker to my lips and back to my face; I wanted nothing more than to pulled him close and kiss him. He leaned in and I did the same, a familiar Aussie accent pulled us away from each other.

   “Jasey! Oliver! Come in and get ready for dinner!” Ms. Sykes yelled from my house. I heard Oli groan as he pulled himself off of me before helping me up. I hooked my arm with his, grabbing our things and walking up to my house. We walked into the house to see my mom and Oli’s talking and laughing in the kitchen. “Hurry up and get cleaned up, we’re going to dinner tonight.” Ms. Sykes said looking at us both with a smirk on her face. We both nodded and ran up the stairs to our separate rooms. I took a shower in my en-suite before pulling my bra and underwear on and looking in my full body mirror. I loved my tan that I got from the hot California sun today. It made my bright green eyes pop out even more. I love California I’ve been living here since I was eight. I was now 16 and a lot has changed, I’ve grown up a lot and lost all the baby fat I once had.  I now looked like a girl that guys would actually want to date. I hoped that was enough for Oli though. I had a crush on him since I was 13 and he was 15. He had always been my best friend through everything. It was hard that I never got to see him considering he lived with his mom back in Australia. Never the less we have stayed friends over the years by him and his mom coming to stay in California with my mom and I every summer.

  I snapped out of my thoughts and started getting ready. I pulled on my white strapless summer dress and straightened my hair before putting on my make-up. There was a knock at the door and I turned to see Oli leaned against the frame. I smiled and waved him over to me, he slowly walked over to me as I pulled out my phone.

   “What are you doing?” He asked as I pulled him close, while looking into the mirror.

  “We’re going to take a picture because I’m going to miss you when you leave in a couple days” I pouted; he smiled down at me and wrapped an arm around my waist. We looked into the mirror and I took the picture. Posting it to Twitter; “@Jasey_Babe: @Oliver_Sykes don’t forget about me when you get all famous <3”

   “I would never” He whispered looking over my shoulder. Oli had been in a band for a couple months now and they were amazing. I was sure that they would be signed soon and I didn’t want him to drop me when they did. He looped his arm with mine and we skipped down the stairs and to our moms who were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for us. 

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