Chapter One : Elise

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Elise, a black haired beauty with piercing blue eyes & a killer smile. She was never a looker, never a head-turner until she became a 'young woman'. She always loved the small things in life such as the soft breeze while walking along the beach or watching the clouds go by as she looked out the passager window of her grandmother's car. She was a simple girl with no worries in the world until she had to be desirable to the opposite sex, until she desired to be desirable to the opposite sex.

She never liked boys, she found them revolting and absolutely the last thing she would want around her until one complimented her one day, then she was hooked. She changed. She changed her hair, her fashion sense, her way of speaking, her face and everything else she couldn't control? She'd hide it or make it look.. Prettier. She met many men who she then fell for, she fell for how they made her feel & how they said she made them feel but they were never sincere, the feelings were never sincere. Many shattered her heart, her mother would always hold her as she cried and she would say; "Elise, darling, I made that heart from scratch. Don't let some boy break it.".

Her mother was always wise when it came to heartbreak and boys, she knew how to get into their heads and how to get over them. "boys think with the wrong heads, Elise" she would always say, and Elise took these words with her all throughout life. She repeated them to every girl she knew who felt betrayed by a man. She didn't believe in love after so many heartbreaks, she didn't believe she was capable of loving someone or being loved by someone until she met him. He taught her love.

When he met her she was broken, her relationship before him left her confused & angry, her arms suffered for the monster before him and he had to witness that. He witnessed her crying herself to sleep and losing herself more and more every day, but he also saved her.

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