Chapter 1: The haunting past

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I woke up while i was sweating and i looked around my surroundings which looked familiar and then it hit me, this was my room. Was everything just a bad dream? I got up from my bed, left the room and walked in the hallway until i got into the throne room and there i saw my father and my sisters, Mena and Irin alive and well and so i ran towards them. "Mena! Irin! Father! I'm glad all of you are okay!" i said to them happily as i hugged them while letting out my tears. "Easy there son, you sounds like you had a bad dream." said father and then i felt something on my hands, so i broke up the hug and i saw that my hands were covered in blood and when i looked at my family, they were all laying on the floor dead. Then suddenly i was in the town, people screaming and running for their lives from the monsters. "No... no... stop, please!" i shouted pleadingly as i closed my eyes and layed my hands on my head. The blood curdling screams, the agony, children crying and the roars of the monsters keeps growing louder and louder...

Then suddenly i woke up for real this time. I got up from my bed and walked to the balcony for fresh air and i looked at the sky. "Ha, can't believe it's been a year now." i said to myself. It's been a year since i lost my family, letting my revenge get the best out of me and helped The Nightmare King destroy the kingdom of Wolear and having the monsters murdering innoent people as i took my revenge on Serka. After the fall of Wolear and the death of Serka, The Nightmare King gave me half of his kingdom to control and my own army to lead.

The next day, i was walking in the ruins of the town which The Nightmare King gave me control of. I was with Shadow wind the dire wolf and i saw a female bat cobra named Mira returning from patrolling the borders so i walked towards Mira for status report and after i approached her, she gave me something that she found during the patrol, it was a brooch of a silver leaf. "Elves..." i mumbled to myself upon realizing what it is. "Good girl." i said to the female bat cobra as i give her a pet on her forehead. Then Shadow wind nudged on my hand to get my attention so i turned and saw Haider coming towards me. "So, anything new?" asked Haider as he approach me. "Well, Mira returned from patrolling and she found this." i replied as i showed him the brooch Mira found. "Is this an elvish brooch? " asked Haider shocked. "Yes, and it appears that an elf must have entered Nightmare valley unnoticed but also dropped this brooch." i replied to him. "Then we must deal with this unwanted visitor." said Haider and upon hearing what he just said, it made me remember of the death of those innocent people, those who weren't with Serka to begin with and i can still hear their screams in my head which freaked me out. "I'll take care of it!" i spoke up out of the sudden. "Are you feeling alright?" asked Haider and i nodded in respond. "Yes i'm fine, i'll deal with the intruder myself." i said to him and started to walk away as Shadow wind followed me.

It was a late evening, i was sitting on a cliff looking at the distance with Shadow wind by my side. "I can't do it, not again. I don't want to take a life from innocent beings." i told Shadow wind who was looking at me concerned. I have been hiding my guilt from The Nightmare King, Haider and even from the monsters because they wouldn't understand how i've felt and i only hear them call me the Beast King instead of my real name. I decided to take a walk and as i did, i started to sing.

"Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone

But there's nothing i can say to change the things I've done

Of all the things I hid from you I cannot hide the shame

And I pray someone, something will come to take away the pain

There's no way out of this dark place

No hope, no future

I know I can't be free

But I can't see another way

I can't face another day

Tell me where, did I go wrong

Everyone I loved, they're all gone

I'd do everything differently but I can't turn back the time

There's no shelter from the storm inside of me

There's no way out of this dark place

No hope, no future

I know I can't be free

But I can't see another way

I can't face another day"

A tear felt down from my face after i singed and Shadow wind came to comfort me, i wiped away the tears from my eyes and i smiled at Shadow wind and we continued walking. As we walked in the forest, i started to noticed that Shadow wind was sniffing around the air as if he had picked up a scent. "What's wrong, buddy?" i asked the dire wolf but then i heard a rustle from the bushes and then an arrow was flying straight towards me but i manage to avoid it just in time. "I know you're out there! Show yourself!" i yelled, but there was no response. I heard Shadow wind growling and when i turned around a shadowy figure jumped on me and pinned me down to the ground and was ready to kill me with a blade. But Shadow wind saved me by using his head to push away the elf and as soon as i got up i saw the full appearance of the elf, and i realized that the elf was not only a assasin but a female elf. She have blonde hair, light blue eyes and she was wearing a white top.

"Your time has come, Beast King!" said the elf to me and was ready to fight

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"Your time has come, Beast King!" said the elf to me and was ready to fight. Shadow wind growled and is ready to attack the assasin but i stopped him. "I'll handle it." i said to Shadow wind and then the elven assasin charged at me, she was swinging her dagger at me but i manage to dodge it but then she punched me which took me by suprise. She attacked again but this time i got the upper hand, so i pushed her off to the side and she fell to the ground. She got up on her knees and she went for her blade but i quickly picked it up and i held it to her neck. The female assasin looked at me with her fearless expression as i looked at her eyes. Fear, i saw fear in her blue eyes and this caused me to flash back to the day Irin died. The last time i saw my little sister alive was that she was scared for her life, she was scared to die. After the flashback was over, i was startled upon realizing what i was doing so i lowered down the blade as the elf was looking at me confused and i don't blame her for it.

"You need to leave now, leave before they find you." i told the elven assasin who was confused on why i let her live but she did what i told her to do and she left. Me and Shadow wind stood there for a moment and we looked at each other. "Come on, let's go back." i said to Shadow wind and we started walking again, but i stopped and looked back at the direction the elf went. "I hope she's okay." i said to myself and then i started walking again.

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