Chapter Two: Not Suspicious at all

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Victoria finally arrived in Korea after a long flight from Italy, she was at the airport extremely jetlagged, tired and just wanted to get home.

While she was outside waiting for the taxi she had just called, that's when someone caught her eye this man getting a taxi, he was wearing a really expensive suit and looked very clean cut but that wasn't what caught her attention. It was the fact got struck by a wave of Deja vu she could of sworn she had seen him somewhere, she stared at the taxi driving by and that's when she caught a glimpse of him they're eyes meet only for awhile. Victoria was in her head trying to figure out where she had seen him before but her train of thought was cut short by her taxi arriving.

She entered the taxi and greeted the driver politely.

"where to miss." he asked her as she situated her self in the car 

"Seoul, Geumga-dong." Victoria answered staring out the car window trying so hard not to fall asleep. 

Victoria notice some water bottles in the cup holder, she was feeling thirsty and was about to grab a bottle when the taxi driver started to make conversation with her. 

"I'm sorry sir, what was that?" she said clearly not paying attention to the man. 

"Did you enjoy trip?" he asked curiously. 

"yes sir I did." she said blatantly lying through her teeth." now, I'd prefer not to talk." 

and with that the drive to the plaza was quite. 


She got to her apartment and she made a straight b-line to her bedroom leaving her luggage at the front door. She flopped on her bed letting out a loud groan, and mumbled 

"this is going to be so much paperwork.."  she whined remembering what happened in Italy, then remembered Mr. Hong saying something about the court case with Babel Group, she promised him she'd try to be there if arrived early but but she completely forgot about it as to the though her head being full with the whole Luciano thing. 

 Though she herself works for Wu sang Law, she shared an mutual hatred with Hong Yuchan for the law firm, she hated how they thought they could just buy off witnesses to give false testimonies. that is why she like being a P.I, plus she only works for them cause she needs the money. 

She swinged by the courthouse assuming the hearing was over, as she waited outside she fed the pigeons because she usually kept bird food in her car cause why not she loved pigeons especially the one outside her bedroom window. She tossed the last bit of food and watch the birds peck at the ground.

"what are you doing here, I thought you'd still be in Italy." a wondering voice questioned her, she looked up to see Hong Yuchan someone who is like a father figure to her, he was walking over to her. 

"umm I finish the case and came home early" she said clearly lying not him to worry nor nag at her. 

She wanted to ask how the hearing went but from judging from the frown and slump shoulders. she decided not bother and ignoring the look he gave her clearly not believing her bullshit about finishing the case early, but she brushed it off not wanting an argument. 

she squats down watching him throw his briefcase down, the black leather scratched due to the concrete and dirt of the side walk. he crouched and sat next to her digging in too his pockets pulling out a pack of cigarettes sighing disappointedly a the empty pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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