The Restaurant (Prolouge)

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"Reese! Can you take their order? I have to wash some dishes in the back." Connor yells. He walks away before I can reply.

Yep, You might have guessed it. I work in a restaurant, a really busy restaurant. We're really short staffed today, only six people decided to work today, including me and Connor.

I walk over to the table. A man and a woman. I spot one kid playing on an iPad.

"Hello! What can I get for you today?" I beam, I try to show my teeth to make myself look happier. It's been 4 hours. I am way too tired for this.

The man smiles up at me and begins ordering.

"Hey, Can I have two plates of pasta for me and my wife? Can you also add 2 large waters?" He says. He stares at his son. "Go ahead James, tell the lady what you want."

I start feeling impatient. This is one of those kids who take forever to order.

"I- Uhhh..."
"Can I get the..."

My patience grows short. The man smiles up at me again. His wife is on her phone. I start tapping my pen on my notepad.

"Hamburger!" The young boy yells. His mom and dad look at him. He blushes and hides under his iPad.

"Okay... Your food should be out shortly." I say quickly and walk away.

I look up at the clock. 20 mins till lunch break.

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