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"for you, I would lose my mind."
Riley Davis tried to be friendly!
She really did.
She couldn't help but loathe every teenager she'd ever met. Riley never had a solid group of friends or any friends at all, and though she wished for them, she couldn't push away that anxiety of actually interacting with people her age, preferring to talk to her parents but she would never admit to. To add reason is her overwhelming love of animals and the planet; she'd remember countless times where she would be ranting about the irreversible damage of climate change and she'd be called obnoxious or laughed, which would land that person a drink to the face and an angry Riley. She didn't take things like that as a joke (rightfully so!)
This summer, Riley decided to step out of her natural-too-stubborn habitat and make some friends, and when she was introduced to a bonfire later that night, she took this as a sign. Apparently Ms. Fisher's two sons Jerimiah and Conrad were going and they would be on the look out for her. Riley heard of the Fisher Family but never wanted to interact with them. There was no exact reason, Riley only stood out when she was angry, or at least that's what she thought. Her parents were good friends of the family, but the girl made an effort into even catching a glimpse of the boys.
But of course things change! It was a mutual gut feeling that this summer was going to be different, starting with a small verbal fight with Conrad Fisher and beer.