Chapter 1

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The sound of the doorbell and Mrs Hudson answering stired Sherlock from his mind palace, he could hear them discussing the flat upstairs then many footsteps heading up there.

Moving towards the hallway he came across Mrs Hudson.

"Oh Sherlock, there's some work being done upstairs for the new owner of that flat. If there is a problem you'll have to speak to her, here's the number."

"Of course."

A week later and Sherlock was ready to pull his hair out. Decision made he text the number he was given.

SH. Do you realise how much of a disturbance your workers have caused?

??. And?

SH. What are you going to do about it?

??. Nothing.

SH. Nothing?

??. Are you that stupid or just dence?

SH. Neither.

??. So an idiot then?

Deciding not to respond Sherlock could finally hear himself think, realising there was no noise that morning.

"Mrs Hudson no workers today?"

Looking confused Mrs Hudson replied

"No they finished yesterday."

Now Sherlock realised why this woman called him dence.

"Good morning Mrs Hudson" a beautiful girl standing at 5ft 9 with brunette hair and mismatched eyes spoke smiling at her.

"Good morning Mrs Hudson" a beautiful girl standing at 5ft 9 with brunette hair and mismatched eyes spoke smiling at her

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"Oh you must be Sakura yes?"

"That is correct"

"I have the keys to this outer door but I understand you have an electronic lock for your flat door?"

"That is right, would you like to come up for tea I haven't seen it yet myself"

"That would be lovely dear"

Holding out her arm to Mrs Hudson


Mrs Hudson laughed loudly which caught Sherlock's attention

Upon entering her hand print to the door lock of the reinforced metal door Sakura entered her new home.

Upon entering her hand print to the door lock of the reinforced metal door Sakura entered her new home

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"Oh this is beautiful dear." Mrs Hudson remarks as she closes the met

"Thank you"

"However did you get this done in a week? If you don't mind me asking?"

"How about I make the tea, we'll check the rooftop garden out and I'll explain."

"You made a rooftop garden too?" Mrs Hudson said amazed

Sakura giggled

Walking out the door off the kitchen Sakura was happy with her garden.

Walking out the door off the kitchen Sakura was happy with her garden

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"Oh my!" Mrs Hudson was in shock.

"Come take a seat I said I'd explain, only reason I suggested out here was because there was an idiot listening outside my front door."

"That'll be Sherlock."

"Oh I've heard that name I call him idiot, because he messaged me the day after the builders were done, telling me to do something about the noise can't wait for him to try and deduce me"

Mrs Hudson laughed

"Well he tends to get caught up in whatever he's working on and shuts it everything else"

"Well anyway I trust this will remain between us two?, you know who I am correct?"

"Indeed" at her nod she continued placing a slight charm on Mrs Hudson to ensure she couldn't say anything even if she was drunk.

"Well after buying this place Tony insisted on using his contractors to ensure the job was done properly and I had security hence the electronic lock, yeah they may visit from time to time. Especially if I'm needed for a mission. Natasha and Wanda may come for girls night which of course you are welcome to come too and Thor and Loki warning Thor doesn't have an inside voice"

"I understand dear, your friends seem to care alot about you. I'd be honoured to come to girls night what do you normally do?"

"Well I play piano so sometimes I will play movie themes and the others try to guess the film, sometimes it's a spa day so manicures and pedicures, others it's just drinking."

"Oh I'll look forward to that then I love the piano."

"I also have another job as a singer, I'll invite you to a concert sometime. But it's mostly rock music."

"I like all music dear, if the beat is good"

"Woman after my own heart."

"Well I better be going dear things to do."

"How about once a week you come up and have tea with me in the garden?"

"Of course dear."

Walking Mrs Hudson to the door and opening it to find Sherlock standing outside.

"Hmmm mid 20's, absent parents, trust fund, never worked in your life. Sherlock smugly stated


"I can't be wrong!"

"And yet you are, not one point right."

Turning to Mrs Hudson

"I'll catch you later" winking at her and closing her door laughing at Sherlock's dumbstruck face.

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