Singleplayer (English Version)

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Félix twisted the corners of his mouth tensely at his mother's idea. He really loved her, but she was taking this a little too far. "Now don't look like that, it will take three or four months at most. As soon as I'm back, we're going home again." The blond boy gritted his teeth, his mother knew exactly what he thought of it. Unfortunately, her job required her to travel around the world for a film, probably over the next quarter. He was quite old enough to stay at home alone during this quarter of the year! "Look, I know you're not that good with Gabriel. Your uncle is really not an easy person, but at least you could spend some time with Adrien again. I would be really happy if Adrien and you would get closer again. And didn't you settle your quarrel?" Félix just shrugged his shoulders a little helplessly. It was hard for him to tell his mother that his uncle was a super villain and that he himself had caused quite a stir in Paris just a few weeks ago. It was only thanks to his mother's work that she didn't notice his absence that day. "But mother, I would really feel better if I could stay here. I'm also not sure if I'll be able to cope with this... public school my cousin goes to." Gently, the also blond woman's hand ran through her son's and ruffled it a bit. "I know, but maybe it's a good opportunity for you? I often think that you're a bit lonely here..." Félix shook his head again and wanted to start talking again, but his mother skilfully stopped him. "I have already arranged everything that is necessary. You'll see, in the end it's not as bad as you think." Félix sighed and straightened his hair. How could he possibly oppose his mother?


In a bad mood, not to say nervous, Félix got off the train. His cousin's bodyguard was supposed to pick him up at the train station. In addition, his mother had assured him that she would be available at any time. But what good would that do if he went into the lion's den for the next few months? The blond boy couldn't imagine that his uncle wouldn't try to get Duusu and the Peacock Miraculous back into his power. Speaking of Duusu, the Kwami wasn't too happy about the news of going back to Paris to settle in at Agreste's manor again. Félix had already been able to find out a few things with the help of little Kwami, but he was still quite undecided about some things. Unfortunately, in Paris he would not only have to keep his distance from Hawk Moth, but also from Ladybug. After all, she would certainly want to confront him about his time as Flairmidable. It wasn't his fault that everyone immediately believed he was Adrien! But if he was able to save himself from the situation this time as well? His only consolation at the moment seemed to be having Duusu with him so he could transform at any time. After all, he would not be completely powerless in the face of his enemies.

With a quick glance, Félix scanned his surroundings and soon found what he was looking for. He slowly walked in the direction of the bodyguard, who was already waiting for him impatiently. He greeted them with a nod, had his luggage stowed away and got into the car. Hopefully Gabriel wouldn't receive him alone, he could hardly prepare himself here and now, in front of others, for a direct attack from his uncle.

Luck, however, seemed to be on the blonde's side. Only the assistant received him and led the blond boy into a guest room. He quickly noticed that it wasn't far from Adrien's room, but farther away from Gabriel's room. Good thing, his cousin was definitely the lesser evil. After Félix had set himself up in his room, he made Duusu understand that there was no danger and the little Kwami slipped out of his waistcoat pocket. "You have to be careful. The woman, Nathalie, knows more about the Miraculous and her powers than you might think. She was my owner for a short time." Félix nodded in understanding. "So not only Gabriel is a danger, but also Nathalie. How about Adrien, does he know about any of this?" Duusu shrugged his small shoulders helplessly. "I do not know exactly. He was sometimes close to Akuma attacks, but never involved. So I don't think so." The blond boy considered, however, that if Ladybug wanted to entrust Adrien with a Miraculous, Adrien might know more than he was letting on. Maybe not, though, from his uncle's side. However, Félix did not voice this thought out loud, he had never told Duusu how he got the Peacock Miraculous. The fact is, Duusu was quite surprised about a new owner and wanted to get to know him in a friendly way in his own way. Duusu had seen him and not his cousin or uncle. Also, the Kwami could tell him a few things about Aunt Emilie, which helped him with his own stuff. In any case, Félix didn't want his Kwami to learn early on that he had more or less taken away many of his Kwami friends' freedom.

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