Reki wanted to open a jar but the label said twist to open so he started dancing

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The words didn't register too much to Langa, who was on complete auto pilot. He had a blank face as he mindlessly did whatever Monsieur Sakurayashiki called out to the group. Holding onto the barre, it was obvious to anyone who knew him that something was wrong. From an outsider's point of view, he might just seem like a mysterious and stoic ballet dancer, but his class knew him well. He had been coming here since he was only two, after all. They didn't know what was wrong, but the last few weeks he had been really depressed. Langa had always been an introvert, but this was different.
Tired of Langa not giving it 110 percent, A fellow danseur, Miya, decided he would have to talk to Langa about this. Miya was a child ballet prodigy from Japan. He had come to France when he was only 10 years old to better pursue his career. Now at 12, Miya had rose through the ranks and participates in a pointe class with the older boys. Being almost 5 years younger than the other kids is pretty hard for him, and Langa is one of his only friends. Langa never cared that he was younger, and always helped him when he felt worthless. Now wanting to help his friend as well, Miya did the only thing he knew. Ambush intervention.

After training for the day was over, Langa always stayed late. Miya knew this, and used it to his advantage. After the other boys had already left, Langa was still in the studio. Miya peeked through the doors, not wanting to startle Langa if he was going something on pointe. To Miya's surprise, Langa wasn't doing anything. He was just sitting on the floor, looking at himself in the mirror. His face was blank, and his eyes were far away. He didn't even see Miya when he walked in the studio room and stood behind him. Miya tapped his shoulder gently, and Langa practically jumped out of his skin.

"Tell me what's wrong or I'm burning your costume for Coppélia"

To Miya's surprise, Langa did not laugh at his joke. Instead, Langa broke down sobbing. Miya panicked, what just happened?

"Hey wait... dont cry? I'm sorry I said that, I'm not really not going to burn your outfit. you'll make a great Franz. Please stop crying. Uhh" Miya did not know what to do or say. Langa started trying to say something, but it didn't really make sense through his gasping sobs. He eventually got the words out, and it was not what Miya expected.

"I'm sorry! I haven't been able to dance right since my dad died ," he hiccupped between words, "It would probably be better for everyone else if I just quit."

Now Miya was really panicking. When did his dad die?? Langa hadn't said anything about that. How was he supposed to respond to this? Langa wanted to quit?
"No, Langa. You cant leave. You promised me when we met that you wouldn't. Not like everyone else. Please stay, Langa. We need you. I need you. We can talk to Sakurayashiki about some time off, but please stay." Miya now looked like he too was also about to cry. Seeing this, Langa reached out and pulled him into a hug. This was out of character for both of them, neither were really the types for physical affection. They sat on the wood floor for a bit, holding each other. Once Langa had calmed down, he let go, and told Miya, "I'm sorry. Ill stay. Its just that this place reminds me of him. Dance just isn't fun anymore."

After that whole ordeal was over, It was already 8 pm. After changing out of his practice clothes and into his street clothes, Langa packed his bag. Walking out the door of the studio, He felt the cool air on his face. Was it obvious he had been crying? He didn't want his mom to see him like this. He knew how much she worried, and he was trying really hard to stay strong for her sake. He decided it would be best if the took the long route home, instead of his usual way, to give his face time to get less puffy. Walking down the familiar streets, he stopped when he heard music. Who was playing music outside this late at night. A festival maybe? Langa wanted to go see what it was. This was because he wanted to, and in no was because he was stalling going home. He had never heard this song before. What was this? Hip-hop? Its not like he's never heard this genre before, but he didn't actually know any specific songs.

I tried ballet, but I never got the pointe (Renga oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now