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this is just for fun

it was a rainy night (ofc) edward was in his apartment sitting in his chair blood dripping off his face, gloves covered in blood while a hand is holding a noodle cup eating it enjoying what was on tv it was the news people saying things like 'who would do such a thing to kind people' or 'why is riddler doing this' edward was very proud of what he did his skills, work, and riddles

he finished his cup and got bored got up stretched and went to take a shower to clean the mess off him but when he left to the bathroom little did he know batman found his apartment and come thru the window searching the apartment and waiting in the shadows

when edward come out he first went to a shelf and got a record out and put it on the record player and slowly started singing and maybe a little dance but he was alone so he was fine or at lest that's what he though

after awhile batman was just standing there (creep lol) but edwards voice was amazing so he decided to join in, he took off his mask placed it carefully as to not to make a noise an slowly walked to edward, one of edwards hand was in the air and bruce gently grabbed it thankfully ed had his eyes closed so it was easier for him and like that they danced and singed the night away and then music ended which left bruce to panic what was he suppose to do

if your wondering bruce was leaning in a little, one hand on edwards waist and the other holding edwards hand and eds other hand on bruces shoulder an he was leaning back wards a little

as bruce was trying to think of something edward already opened his eyes and surprised to see bruce why was he her- oh he's batman?!? uuh what do I do ''uuh so what next'' ed smiled a bit not knowing what to do bruce was out of his thinking and also didn't know what to do but then when he looked in edwards eyes the pretty dark green eyes shining and looking down at his lips how gloss they looked bruce didn't noticed he was leaning in and just a inch away edward couldn't take it so he pulled him in for the kiss it lasted a few minuets but for them it lasted forever after that edward rested his head on bruces chest enjoying the moment

yay I did it how was it good bad? oh well it was fun i didn't know what to do at the end but eh it's fine 

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