⭑first day⭑

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Rikas pov

I woke up. Confused. It was cold. I looked to my right and saw a boy with black hair and glasses sleeping close by to me. He looked a bit like me. I had a gut feeling telling me that we were siblings. I dont know what it was. But—
I looked up and saw a taller ginger boy with bright blue eyes looking down at me. I rubbed my eyes to make sure this was not a dream of some sort.
"Hey, do you know your name? Anything?"
He asked. My Name! I knew that!
"It's Rika.."
I said quietly.
"Well hello Rika! And welcome to Operose village. My name is Kane and my friend is Kumasi."
I didn't notice before but there was a small girl with black hair that faded into a darker shade of purple. I waved at her but she just clung to Kane's arm.
"I'm sorry she's a little shy when it comes to new people."
"It's fine.."
I held up my head. I still felt a little bit dizzy but I have no idea from what. I heard some rustling behind me. I turned around and realised that the black haired boy that I believed to be my brother, had woken up.
"Hey you! Good morning! What's your name?"
The boy thought for a minute and then answered.
"Zeno. It's Zeno."
Kane went through his little introduction again to Zeno. I started to thinking that Kane and Kumasi weren't really that bad after all.
"You two look a little bit like siblings."
Kane stated. Me and Zeno both stared at each other for a few seconds until I spoke up.
"..we are! Mhm!"
Zeno looked at me as if I was some mad girl.
"Ah. That explains why you both look so similar!"
I nodded. Okay. To be fair. I had no idea wether or not me and Zeno were siblings, but it would be nice to have someone I could of possibly known before I got out here.

Me and Zeno were shown around and everything. It was actually quite nice. Not many people lived at the village but it was still really nice and welcoming. Me and my 'brother' met both of Kane's and Kumasi's parents. Kane's mom was an engineer and Kumasi's mom was a baker. They were both really nice! Me and Zeno were allowed to stay with this guy called Axel. He let us sleep in the attic and just stay with him in general.

All 4 of us went into the forest. We didn't go too deep. We only went to this little camp site that was close to the library. It was Kane's and Kumasi's hang out spot but they are letting us join in. I realised that Zeno and Kane were just non stop talking
"I think they're gonna be good friends!" I said. Kumasi nodded and smiled.
"I do as well!"
I ran over to Zeno and tapped him on the shoulder. They turned around and looked down at me.
"Can me and Kumasi go into the forest for a little?"
I asked hoping for a yes. Zeno thought about it for a moment.
"Fine, just be back soon and don't go too far."
I squealed in happiness and ran into the forest with Kumasi following behind me.

I ended up finding a small lake. Apparently according to Kumasi, some of the men come here and fish because most of the fish at the docs are driven away because of everyone coming in and out. I sat down by the edge of the lake and so did Kumasi.
"How long have you been here?"
I asked. Kumasi looked at me a little bit shocked. She looked down at the water.
"I've been here for most of my life. You see. Sometimes people are brought here without their parents like you and Zeno and some people are. I was brought here with my mom when I was 4. Me and Kane arrived here around the same time that's why I trust him so much. He may be like four years older than me but I still see him as someone I trust the most."
Kumasi looked at me and asked a different question I never even thought about that much.
"Do you remember anything before you came here?"
There was a few moments of silence.
"No. I'm gonna be honest with you, i don't Even know if Zeno is my brother. I only said it because i did't wanna feel like—"
I piasek for a second. I couldn't think of the right explanation.
"It's alright. I understand you."
A few more minutes have passed and we could hear Zeno and Kane shouting out names. We both quickly got up and made our way over to the shouting boys.

"Jesus Christ. What did I say about going so far!?"
I just laughed at Zeno.
"Sorry brother."

Word count: 826

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