It's the Get to Know Me Tag

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"Hey guys! It's Ava Mae. I realized the other day that I've been making videos on YouTube for a couple months now and you actually don't know that much about me since pretty much all I do is post covers with the occasional random collaboration. There's quite a few of you now, so I guess I should formally introduce some stuff about me. With that being said, today's video is the get to know me tag! Let's get started, shall we?

Question one. What is your middle name? Well, if you didn't catch it before, its Mae. I like to go by Ava Mae, so I'm sure you've heard me say it a billion times at this point.

Two is what is my favorite subject in school? It's not exactly a subject I guess, but probably choir. The choir that I'm in is like a second family to me and I love them all to death. This is my fourth year being in it and it's gonna suck leaving once I graduate.

Number three. What is your favourite drink? Well, I'm going to be a basic white girl here because it's from Starbucks. I order a sugar cookie latte off of the secret menu. It's extremely sweet but it's actual heaven. Due to the fact that it's so sweet though, I rarely ever get it. So other than that, I also really enjoy fruit smoothies.

Question four... uh, what is your favorite song at the moment? That's a tricky one since I listen to so much music. Uhmmm, it's either Fools Gold by One Direction off of their new album that came out a few weeks ago or it's Man! I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain because I have been jamming to that song for weeks now. Well, I mean, I've been jamming to Shania for years. My mom listened to her when I was growing up and now I love listening to her.

Five. What is your favorite food? I don't think I can even answer this guys. I'm constantly eating, I can never decide. I'm a sucker when it comes to Cheesecake though. And pasta of any kind. So you can probably guess that the Cheesecake Factory is one of my favorite places.

Number six. What is the last thing you bought? I bought a Christmas present for my best friend. I can't tell you what it is because she watches these videos...

Numero siete. Favorite book of all time? I honestly have been asked this so many times and have not once had an answer. I have no idea. It kinda feels like I've been reading nothing but textbooks and YouTuber books recently. Which is great, because I love supporting my fellow YouTube community, but is also sad and I should read more books.

Question number... what was I on? Oh, eight. Favorite color? Thank goodness, one I can answer! My favorite color is green. At least for right now. It changes every now and then.

Nine. Do you have any pets? Sadly, no. I want a cat but we can't have pets in my building unless it's a service animal. I also want a dog. I think I just want a pet in general.

Ten... favorite perfume? I get it at ULTA. That's honestly all I know. My best friend Lacey bought the first bottle of it for me and I've only bought a new bottle once. This tag isn't going very well, is it?

Number eleven. Favorite holiday? I love Christmas. I always get to go to LA and spend time with my family. It's so much fun and I look forward to it every single year.

Question twelve. Are you married? Uh, yeah totally. I'm married to Chris Pratt. He doesn't really like to talk about it, but he's lying if he says we aren't together. Also when I say Chris Pratt, I definitely mean Chris Pratt as Andy in Parks and Rec.

Thirteen asks if I've ever been out of the country and that is definitely a no. I have a passport but I've never used it. I want to visit Mexico with my mom so badly though.

Fourteen. Do you speak any other languages? I've been in Spanish for two years and yet I still think the answer to this question is no. I feel like suck at it. But I know quite a bit I guess. Better than the average person, but definitely not fluent.

Question fifteen. How many siblings do you have? None, but my best friend is like a sister to me if that counts for anything. She always has been. Also most people think that my cousins are my siblings because we look a lot alike.

Sixteen. What is your favorite shop? I am in love with TopShop guys. It's unhealthy. I also really love going to second hand stores and buying clothes there.

Number seventeen. Favorite restaurant... gonna be basic again and say I love In-N-Out Burger, if that counts as a restaurant. Cali livin' is great. Oh, or the Cheesecake Factory. You already knew that though.

Eighteen: When was the last time you cried? During my math test. I'm kidding. Maybe.

Question number... nineteen. Favorite blog? I don't really follow any actual blogs, but all those super popular tumblr accounts are very entertaining to me. I feel like reading blogs takes a type of dedication that I don't possess.

Twenty. Favorite movie? The Proposal or The Fox and the Hound. Or Mulan. Or Tangled. I can't ever choose. Depends on the day.

Next question is twenty one... Uh, favorite TV shows? I don't watch much TV, but I love 2 Broke Girls and New Girl quite a bit.

Twenty-two. PC or Mac? Personally, I only use Mac.

Twenty three asks what kind of phone I have and I have an iPhone 5.

Question twenty four. How tall are you? Oh geez. I dunno, I think I'm around 5'5.

And number twenty-five, the last question. Can you cook? Not well, but I've been learning how to cook a lot of different things recently. My mom has been helping me learn. I'm pretty good at baking, though.

Alright, so that was the get to know me tag! I hope you liked it. Why don't we get to know each other? Leave a comment down below that's a fact about yourself. If you liked this video don't forget to give it a like and subscribe to my channel. Thank you all so much for watching. Get connected with me by using my social media links down below. Until next week, I love you guys!"

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