Chapter 1

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Amazing cover created by spazzie.

HEY READERS! I've made some slight changes to Chapter 1...


I just thought my plot was a bit too here's the rewritten chapter c:

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, I PRESENT TO YOU, Chapter 1 of Stuck in the Past!

Chapter 1

~ 2 Years Ago ~

"Cara, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met."  He said caressing my left cheek, sending tingles through my spine.

"Hm. I bet you say that to all the girls you meet."  I stuck out my tongue teasingly.

His face instantly turned serious after my annotation and his light brown eyes gazed upon mine.  Aiden's calloused, gentle, hands grasped upon one of my hands, causing me to melt into his flaming touch.

"I never have and I never will.  I will stick by your side no matter what."  The strong sense of determination and pure honesty poured from the deep, melody of his voice.

Before I could answer back, his lips came crashing towards mine.


~ Present Day ~

"Earth to Cara," Jason grunted as he continually poked my cheek.

"Huh? What?"  I chuckled nervously.  I hated thinking about the past.  Especially our past.

"We were just talking about the winter dance."  Jason said, casually, though it was anything but casual.  And by we, he meant him and Kate.  My best friends, and my only friends.

"Oh," was all I managed to spit out.  Both Kate and Jason were strikingly attractive.  Kate had these ocean blue eyes and luscious blond curls while Jason had a pair of meadow green eyes and short jet-black hair.  I already knew I was the only one who would be staying at home watching a sappy romantic comedy while everyone else attended the dance.  But hey, on the bright side I might be the only one who won't be suffering with a hangover the next day.

"Yup. So who are you going with?"  Kate asked curiously, while gesturing towards Jason.

Jason munched on his sandwich, oozing out peanut butter and jelly, before he mumbled, "Iunno, I haven't asked anyone yet."

I whipped my head towards his direction, surprised at his response, "What? Why not? No girls can resist you!"  And I pointed at all the girls drooling over Jason from across the cafeteria.

"Yes, I know I'm irresistible, Cara," he joked.  "But those sluts aren't my type. I prefer classier girls.  As in the ones who actually have clothes on."

Before I can laugh at Jason's comment. Kate smiled and squealed in excitement while gazing at her phone. "OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. GUESS WHAT?! GUESS WHAT?! GUESS WHAT?! "

"What?" Jason and I said in unison.

"Matthew asked me to go to the Winter Dance with him!" the girl squealed.

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