Chapter 1- The nightmare

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Hi! This chapter contains less omo and more background story and trauma, pretty important for the parts coming! I promise that the next chapter will be more promising. Also, this is my first large series and a LOT of time passed from when i last wrote, so sorry for mistakes and weird paragraphs. Enjoy lol♡

  Kylan is in an empty and narrow hallway. Everything is black. No doors, no windows, no objects, no people. Suddenly, 3 figures appear in front of him.
  "S-stay away!" he screams. His voice is so vulnerable, so weak. He despises it. He hates being seen something less then confident and perfect. The shadows ignore his call and approach him silently.
  "Mom...? Dad..? Zack..? Oh my god, is that you?!" The creepy silhouettes remain silent. 'Why aren't they...' Suddenly, their heads fall off.
  "NO NO NO-" Kylan screams. His head is dizzy and his whole body is falling apart. He hears someone calling his name desperately. Kay! An annoying voice. Kylan! Very annoying. Kylan please! Leave me alone! Kylan wake up! Wait wha-
  Suddenly, everything comes back to normal. Well, not really normal. His eyes are almost melting down from all the tears, his head is spinning and his breathing is unsteady. A familiar face shows up; his childhood bestfriend, Adonis.
  "Kylan! You're back! Answer me, answer please!"
  "A..Adonis? Wha...what happened? Why...why am i so..wet...?" Kylan feels the damp sheets around him. He couldn't no no no no.
  " had a nightmare. It's ok, you just got scared, it was just an accident. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Adonis pulls Kylan up and gently strokes his hair.
   "WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST AN ACCIDENT?! I FUCKING...I..I'm so pathetic. Wetting the bed at 16." The last part came out so quietly that Adoins barley heard it. Kylan was hysterically crying again.
   "Kylan, calm down, please. You're not pathetic. It happens to everyone. Come on, let's carefully get up and you can tell me your nightmare if you're comfortable, ok?" Adonis keeps patting his friends hair and pulls him in for a hug. Kylan always liked that, even if he'd never like to admit it to anyone. He always had to be perfect and flawless, no emotions and no weaknesses.
  "Kay, can you walk? Are you ok now?"
  "Y..yes. I'm so sorry, Adi. You deserve a better friend."
  "Don't ever say that again or I'll make sure you never touch earth again." "Kay, seriously now, you're everything i need and the perfect person i want. Come one, tell me your dream."
  "Mom, dad, Zack, again. The same dream keeps repeating. This time though...their's kinda funny...they kinda...fell off?"
  "Kay, kay, kay... your imagination is really incredible. Your family is ok and looking for you, i promise."
  "Maybe..maybe there's no one to look for me..."
  "Don't think like that. Look at me, we'll find them. I swear on my heart. Come on, let's get you up."
  Kylan stood up, well, attempted. Right when he was on his feet he fell in Adonis's arms. 'Liar', Adonis thinks. He scoops Kylan and caries him bridal  way.
  "Adi put me down!! Adi no! You'll get wet!!"
  "Shut up and stop struggling or we'll both fall!"
   Kylan was thin and quite easy. He barley ate anything because of his picky nature and barley drank, resulting into him being so fragile and pale. That's why Adonis always looked out for him and was like his second brother. Despite those powerful protective feelings, he felt like he'd like to be a bit more to Kylan then that. Every time he thought about that he immediately mentally slapped himself. 'This is wrong, you're  wrong. Snap out of it! He'd be disgusted if he'd hear you.' Everything was so complicated.
  Adonis carefully put his friend in the bathtub and peeled his wet shirt off. He quickly glanced at Kylan searching for aproval to completely strip him. Kylan nodded shyly and Adonis continued taking his pijamas off, revealing his pale body.
  "Do you want me to...wash you?"
  "Um..only if you want. No, forget it, it's foolish."
  "No, not at all! Relax, I'll be gentle." Adonis gently washed him as promised. He brought new PJ's and carefully put them on Kylan. Kylan felt like a toddler...but he kind of liked being taken care of. Of course, Adonis and him should never speak of this again. Plus, this was their friendship and way of showing they cared for eachother.
  "Adi...can you besides me this night?"
  "Of course Kay." Adonis responded. He layed down on the bed and hugged his friend tightly. "Sweet dreams".

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