end 😔😔

408 11 45

you chase after your husband

your legs start falling off because you suck at running 😱😱

"MY HUSBAND COME BACK" you shouted

he turned around and transfroms into a whopperflower

he was susbedo?? 😱😱😭😭

you start crying as you get attacked by susbedo 😔😔😭😭😱😱😡🤬👹

then susbedo falls to the ground, the real albedo saved you!! 😍😍🥺🥺💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻😩😩

he helps you up and then you start crying 😭😭

he then gets down

on one knee

and asks

"will you marry me my beloved sussy baka 😩😖😫🥵🥵🥶🥶🥺"

you are so happy you start vomiting rainbows and he accepts that as a yes

you get married and have 2 kids

you named them

"uwu" and "👹🥵🥶"

the end 😌

im considering making a non satire book but idk if I should 💀💀

albedo x reader 😍😍🥵🥵👹Where stories live. Discover now